What is the average budget (costs) for an over-the-road trucker?

by J Ranck

Excluding home costs (but not assuming they do not exist), what is the average and the ideal budget for a trucker on the road? What costs are associated with trucking and what can one assume they will be spending (on average) on the road on a weekly or monthly basis for all associated expenses?



What is the average budget (approximately), and what is the "smart" budget?

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Apr 11, 2010
Wal-Mart is your friend
by: NickV

Well when you first start off things are gonna be rough. Not a lot of money and expensive way of living. Most companies allow you advances but watch it cause you can end up side down before you know it.

Once you have been out for awhile you will start picking up tools of the trade. Inverters, refrigerators, microwave, things like that and then you can hit walmart before you go out and eat WAY cheaper out here. Like jimmy said showers are free with a 50 gallon or more purchase. 10 bucks if not but I've been out for 4 months now and haven't had to pay for one.

As long as you have about 5 pairs of jeans and maybe double the shirts you will have to do laundry once a month as long as your not trying to shower everyday which is hard to do out here.

The more you can buy at walmart the better. The truck stops are a supply and demand offering. They figure you have to stop there and your gonna be hungry, thirsty, or what not so the prices are outrageous.

Any more questions just ask

Apr 09, 2010
Road expenses vary depending on the individual driver
by: Jimmy

It depends how you budget. Laundry and entertainment are costs you have, regardless of being at home or on the road. I used to budget $15 a day for food. In the morning a cup of coffee and a sweet roll, about $3. I then tried to make it to mid afternoon for dinner, which was a nice buffet meal if possible for about $10. I always carried can goods and munchies in the truck to maybe carry me until dinner time. So much depends on your schedule for the day.

Some guys eat a full breakfast and a lunch and then dinner and spend $25-$30 a day. A lot of guys eat in their truck, such as bologna sandwiches. Even at $15 a day, that's $450 a month for food. Me personally, I like to eat and enjoy a meal, not sandwiches all the time. Showers are free with fuel purchase, laundry is about $1.50 to wash, you really need to watch your nickels and dimes on the road. DO NOT buy stuff from truck stops. Jimmy

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