what is the best trucking companies to work for?

by Thomas
(Sheldon, Iowa, USA)

What company is the best to work for? I live in Iowa. I didn't now what type of driving job I will do yet. What do you think, and Why?

I live on my own, I'm 23 years old. I'm going to truck driver school on June 1,09

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May 04, 2009
The best trucking company? and the winner is . . .
by: Hervy

LoL. Sorry. Got you didn't I!

That will all depend on the needs of the driver, home time, benefits, where you live (well you said where you live but) read

choosing a trucking company

and this page by Jimmy

some good tips about starting your trucking career

Good luck and let us know where you end up and how you like them.

And don't take ripoff report too seriously. I will be posting a page about that. Don't have time right now because it isn't short and I am paying by the minute at Fedex Kinko's for computer time.

Just remember all of that stuff comes from one point of view without knowing the other side of the story. Not that there aren't some legitimate complaints but not all of them are reasonable or warranted so don't let that deter you from checking into a company further. Don't let it cause you to form a concrete opinion about a companies practice.

Talk to a driver face to face of that company and compare it to what you read see if that was an isolated incident (which would indicate interesting details were left out by the complainer) or if the driver knows of other similar incidents committed by the trucking company.


Apr 20, 2009
Thomas from Iowa
by: Jimmy

Well, Thomas, as you pursue your interests, you are going to see:
1. There are tons of trucking companies.
2. There are a lot of "know it alls".
3. Lots of BS.
4. Way too much negativity.
5. Be prepared for disappointment.
6. You might not even like trucking.
7. You're just a number, one of 100's applying.
8. Everyone wants your money.
9. Your search will take you down a winding path.
10.There is no perfect company.
11.Keep an open mind, expect the unexpected.
12.Be willing to roll with the flow.
13.However you think trucking is, it isn't.
14.You will be given a hugh responsibility.
15.You will be treated like crap sometimes.
16.If your feelings are hurt easily, re-think.
17.Investigate companies, ask questions.
18.Take notes, carry pen and paper at all times.
19.If possible, go to headquarters and talk.
20.If possible, go to truck stops and talk.
21.Dress like you mean business.
22.At school, be attentive, be on time.

Thomas, you are going to have an adventure. Check out CRST, Cedar Rapids.....Smithway Motor Express, Ft.Dodge......Decker, Ft Dodge......

When you talk to recruiters and they say Sorry, ask them if they know who is hiring. Be very careful of "Lease purchase/Lease operator". Probably NOT the best for a newbie. However, you can tell the recruiter you would consider it AFTER you have been a company driver for a year.

You are doing the right thing by asking questions. Good luck. Jimmy

Apr 20, 2009
Stay away from Werner
by: Anonymous

Everything the recruiter that came to my school was BS and everything the recruiter told me on the phone was too. The company was very noncommunicative and treated me like a number never even using my name. The first words i allways heard were "what is your employee number". They want you to stay out on the road until they give you permission to go home. Your request must be submitted two weeks in advance of the time you would like to be home. And, the pay is not what they say it will be. They advertise 700 a week and it is literally less than 200. If you do the math this is less than one dollar an hour. They expect that you will drive all of your 11 hours each day and to get your truck inspected before and after and do all your other paperwork and chores you really need to work your max of 14 hours. Trapped in a broken truck, stuck in some truck stop on the other side of the country, company not talking, spend money for everything. Yes that's the life. Consider your options and choose carefully.

Apr 20, 2009
Ask Plenty of Questions
by: Anonymous

Go to Rip-Off Report.com, search info on all the companies, USIS-DAC, talk to all the drivers you can, use the recruiter phone #s and bug them for info but dont let them BS you with their sales pitch BS , request as much info by e-mail as you can.

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