What is the best way to handle this ordeal with my medical history

by Prospect driver

When I went to a trucking school, on the first day I had to take a dot physical. On the paperwork I filled out, I didn't tell them about being bi-polar in full remission.

Now that I've graduated from the school I have companies that will hire me but I have to release my medical records to them. They will find out I have this condition and that I didn't put it in my dot physical, fire me, and report in onto my dac report.

This is my question, "If I go to get a new dot physical before I go to the company and disclose all the information they ask on the forms and am found to meet the standards to be a commercial driver, will the trucking school find out I had gotten a new dot physical and will it invalidate the hours I earned during school?"

At this point I feel I have no way out of this situation if the trucking school will invalidate my hours of training. I would be forced to pay for the schooling again and that is not something I want to do. Will being honest now make any difference in my situation.

Considering I met the standards on the first dot physical and also will meet the standards on the second dot physical, do they have grounds for invalidating my hours of experience?

Would it make a difference if I waited until my old dot physical expired then when I get a new one it wouldn't appear out of the ordinary to have the new information on it?

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Sep 06, 2013
okay you win
by: Anonymous

if it makes you feel better....take your chances and try not to fight with yourself so much you will get a lot more done...just saying

Sep 06, 2013
prospect driver
by: Anonymous

Also I never said I LIED on the application to the company.

I said I didn't give a complete history on the dot physical forms. The forms are copied at the school and that is why I think maybe they will compare the information and try to take my hours away. But why would the company resend information back to the school like that?

The school give you a big packet of all the information when you graduate, the dot physical is part of the packet.

If I get a new dot physical and have new (updated) dot forms and give them to the company. Will anything appear out of the ordinary, will it cause any problems?

Sep 06, 2013
Prospect driver
by: Anonymous

In the medical community once you've been diagnosed with a mental condition your labeled.

They do not like to admit they made a mistake, they will only say that you have the condition but to a far lesser degree.

Like once you've had cancer but it is in remission you could most certainly still develop future cancers in other areas of the body.

Well if I get on with a company that doesn't check your medical history will it never come up as a problem? Like an owner operator that is your neighbor?

I just want to hear constructive comments, non of these self righteous (I am the God of the road) remarks only devised to make me feel worse.

Sep 06, 2013
now the story changes
by: Anonymous

you didn't mention that you were misdiagnosed to begin with??? I dont know what to think or say?? I am trying to be positive however, how can I when you said you lied on your app??

Go get a proper diagnosis is all I can say....take it from there. If they charge you for the school well we all have to pay for our mistakes and especially when we lie.. sorry that's the way it is....

Sep 05, 2013
Prospect driver
by: Anonymous

People with mental conditions are often discriminated against, that is why I didn't disclose the information.

Some people never get diagnosed and therefor do not experience this discrimination, they do however suffer without treatment and counseling.

Those that have a problem and haven't sought treatment are therefor a bigger danger to society. I have been evaluated and proven to be in full remission, in fact it was a mis diagnosis!

Sep 05, 2013
Prospect driver
by: Anonymous

Constructive comments would be welcome, please....

When I go to take the new dot physical will they ask about my old one?

Since I'm getting a new dot physical so soon will it show up in the system as abnormal?

Will the trucking school find out and invalidate my credit hours?

I'm trying to be as forthright as possible. Will this make any difference?

Sep 05, 2013
bottom line
by: Anonymous

you lied on an application.....do you believe you are in remission really.........when you learn to follow the rules in life only then can you call yourself in full remission of your mental disabilities....you need to think about others and not just self, how do you think you will react in a highly stressful situation...it can go either way with bipolar....the people that help with the cdl process are thinking about others and you...the road is dangerous and any possibility of any potential dangers that can occur due to someones health/mental conditions must be eliminated. Maybe and I hope you can find another career.

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