What is the going rate of pay starting out as a trucker?

by joshua
(Houston texas)

hi im going to be going to swift truckin school in june i am 23 years old with a perfect driving record and have decided after a lot of thought that trucking is for me.

my question is that swift told me that i will have a contract to work for them for one year at .25 cents a mile

i was wondering if this is a good rate for a new driver or if its a low ball figure. this is something i want to turn into a career but i also have to pay the bills.

if anyone has any help that would be helpful. that would be awesome

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May 27, 2010
I agree
by: Hervy

Joshua I agree with Nick and Jimmy

.25 is better than it used to be for a new driver.
Good luck, let us know how you rate their training.

May 12, 2010
Show me the $$$$$
by: Jimmy

Yeah, .25 ain't bad for a newbie. Just watch your expenses out there. Jimmy

May 11, 2010
Good to go
by: NickV

.25 cents is upwards to one of the best I have heard of for a no experience new driver. Trust me dude, there are companies out there starting people out at .13 cents. Now, as far as paying bills...cant tell you to much about that. Usually it is pretty rough starting out.

You dont get good miles cause your at the bottom of the ladder waiting for loads to fall down the rungs to get to you. Also the first couple months is kinda a probationary period. They dont treat you that well in hopes of you leaving.

Now I may be wrong about this but it seems like every month I come back out gets a little better every time. A lot of guys come out here and think they are gonna make a killing out here and it is nothing of the sort.

Gotta start at the bottom to get to the top and you are paid accordingly. Stick with it, do what your dispatcher says, pay attention to your trainer, learn all you can from the vets at truck stops. You never stop learning out here.

Have respect for drivers, and remember the more miles you get under your belt the more choices you can make further into your career. Get with swift and stay there for at least a year.

No matter what comes your way. If you think its better somewhere else as a newbie your wrong. Every company has its flaws so dont go thinking the grass is greener on the other side cause another thing companies are gonna look at is job jumping.

Other than that man just do what ya gotta do. NO QUESTION is too stupid or embarrassing to ask. USE YOUR CB. RESPECT other drivers. You want to ask any questions, you found the spot, ask anything you'd like on here and you will get a accurate answer in days if not hours.

These gentleman helped me when I was in your position and they will have no problem with helping you too. Stick in there, keep us posted, and be safe.

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