what is the hand signal to let a trucker know he has a loose load?

by andy

I recently attended a driving course in Ohio and the instructor told us a hand signal that can be used to let a trucker know they have a loose load or something may be wrong with it.

I don't remember what it was and today we went past a semi that had something wrong in the back where he couldn't see and i didn't know how to let him know?

what is the gesture or signal that can be given to a trucker to let them know?

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Dec 11, 2013
Loose Load NEW
by: Hervy

Andy, I didn't know there was an official signal for that.

I always have just pulled up on him blinking the light and wave erratically in the window, then point to the back of his load if I can't get him on the CB.

Has always worked for me.

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