What is the process of getting a shower at the truck stop?

How do you go about purchasing your truck stop shower?

Just walk up to the counter, pay for it, get the key and good luck?

Seriously considering this as I travel a lot to VA and would like to show up at my family's clean and showered and not looking like I spent all night on the road and sleeping in my car...

How do I get the ball rolling? Please help.


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Jan 25, 2013
anyone can shower the truckstop
by: Anonymous

yes..anyone can but a shower simply by walking up to the cashier and asking for one. the vast majority are "free" showers, given by truckstops in exchange for having purchased a minimum amount of diesel fuel, usually 50 or 75 gallons minimum equals one free shower. thats why they may ask for a card.

But again, ANYONE can purchase one for cash.

Jan 24, 2013
Process for getting a shower at a truck stop
by: Hervy

Kim, you got it. Just walk up to the counter and tell them you would like a shower off your card. if you don't have a card or fuel receipt for that truckstop, you will have to pay from $10 - $15.

What they will do then is take your card and subtract points or credits from it if you have one. They will likely give you a receipt.

Depending on what truck stop you are at, that receipt may have a code on it for the shower entry or they may give you a key for the shower.

You also may have to wait for a shower to be cleaned.

If you are paying cash, once you give them the money if they don't instruct you on what to do next, just ask them the next step in order to get your shower. It should be about the same process.

Have fun traveling and I assume you are not a trucker. Read this page for some tips on sharing the road with trucker while traveling
Tips for sharing the road with truckers

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