What is the real rate story out there today from Brokers? Fair Tran says (reefer) $1.68 a mile (+1,400 miles) + ~$0.40/mile fuel surcharge (+$3 fuel). Is this accurate?

by Adam
(Dallas, TX)

Can't seem to find good info on rates. Every thing says "it depends." Great, that tells us a lot. Understanding that it will fluctuate a bit, what is common out there from a Broker.

I called a Broker off of a load board about a 1,400 mile trip and he said it paid $1,700. $1.21 a mile including fuel surcharge-are they nuts. It costs $0.75 a mile in fuel just to turn the wheels on a truck with a reefer trailer. Was he just BSing me?

Are the rates on the Fair Tran website realistic? (~$1.68/mile (1,400 mile trip) + fuel surcharge.)
The USDA fruit and vegetable Truck Rate Report says that a load from Santa Maria, California to Dallas, TX pays between $4,000 and $4,200. At 1,600 miles that is around $2.50 to $2.60/mile.

If a broker gets 10%, then the truck should get $2.25 to $2.34/mile. That seems good to me, but again is it a dream. Great if I have a relationship with a shipper, but I don't right now.

Can someone help me to the real story?

Comments for What is the real rate story out there today from Brokers? Fair Tran says (reefer) $1.68 a mile (+1,400 miles) + ~$0.40/mile fuel surcharge (+$3 fuel). Is this accurate?

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Jun 01, 2010
FairTran Index
by: Anonymous

The FairTran index is accurate from our experience.

May 29, 2010
Those pesky Brokers.
by: Jimmy

Brokers take way more than 10%. They'll take 20 or 30 or whatever they can get away with. ALL broker rates are negotiable. It's supply and demand. Jimmy

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