what is the scam

by dave

trucking co not hiring exp. drivers but hiring students and traning them .talk to two differnt co they said also ther letting go some of there drivers but want to bring students on DONT MAKE NO SENSE sounds like to me cuting cost to save a buck .drivers also might be leaving these co so they dont starve to death.let me hear your feed on this....

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Mar 07, 2009
are trucking companies intentionally hiring new drivers to cut expenses
by: Hervy

I think you said it exactly right Jimmy.

New drivers have to get hired and start somewhere, but I don't think that would be my business plan to cut expenses if I was running the trucking company.

Seems like those high paid guys in the trucking company office would know that.

Hired and keep good dependable drivers and pay them well and treat them like people not a number. That is the long term business model that works. Seems like common sense to me.

If you experienced drivers no of companies that treat drivers that way, let us know at the recommended companies page.


Good luck Dave,
Come back and let us know how things turned out if you will please sir.

Feb 14, 2009
Newbies get paid less
by: Jimmy

Hey Dave, I would guess since newbies are paid less, it is a way for companies to "save" a buck. Or so they think. They may save up front, but will lose on the other end, when they have to shell out money for newbie "screw ups" that will happen.

Not to mention possible loss of lucrative accounts because of newbies failing to pickup/deliver on time. Jimmy

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