What is your opinion of Prime Inc and their Training?

by Ray
(Baltimore, MD)

I earlier wrote a question asking about Stevens Transport. I have decided to stay away from them. I have a pre-hire from Swift also have a pre-hire from Prime, Inc. I was just curious as to which company should I choose.

I am leaning towards Prime due to the 1 to 1 ratio of training, the fact its On-the-job training and they pay is much better than Swift's. I heard bad things about Swift and Prime.

Just wanted some honest feedback.


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Jul 21, 2010
by: Anonymous

For the record, I am 59 years old with a little less than a year of experience as an OTR driver. Before that, I owned businesses as well as a good long stint in middle/upper corporate management.
Here goes on Prime, and jobs in general...

I trained with Prime and found my trainer to be most understanding and helpful. I did my part by being by his side at every opportunity to learn. I did all the backups for the 60,000 miles.
Prime is a very well run company and I found they do everything to make your job as easy as possible.
I found Prime to walk their talk - they tell you what they expect, you agree. Very respectful, adult relationship. They support you in any way that is reasonable. If you can't get up, can't get the job done which they ask you to do ( not difficult - do the paperwork, be on time, put in the miles), they will send you on your way to find what else in life you do better. Simple as that. No use wasting your time or theirs. You will only end up upside down or dead figuratively AND literally.

I had to leave for private business reasons after six months. Those issues have been resolved, and
I am going back on Monday to drive lease. I am looking forward to it.

Lastly - you have heard it before. You get out of a job what you put into it. It is easy to get upset over trivial things so try not to get upset. Just put it away, or go kick a tire (gently - the tire always wins) and get it out of your system.

With God's help and guidance, YOU control your life out there. What else can you ask for???

Good Luck, and God Bless

Jun 26, 2010
Good luck at Prime.
by: Jimmy

Just so you know, there's much more to just "driving down the highway" in this biz. You'll soon see....Jimmy

Jun 22, 2010
by: Ray

Yeah I went for it. I was approved and start Orientation on August 3rd. I am excited about the prospect and adventure. As I go to work now and drive on the highway, I see the trucks and I just wish I was already in one driving down the road. LOL! Yep, I think I will like this job, bad and good things considered.

Jun 22, 2010
Go for it.
by: american trucker

I would go prime,but in 6 months service they gonna want you to lease.If your new to this profession i say no. Just stay company driver.

Jun 21, 2010
by: Jimmy

Yeah, I like Primes training program over Swifts.

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