What is your opinion on autonomous trucks

by Anirudh

Your opinion on autonomous trucks


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Jan 03, 2023
Will Autonomous Trucks Take Over Trucking
by: Hervy

I don't see autonomous trucks taking all the truck driving jobs ever.

I don't see them taking most of truck driving jobs ever and if so maybe decades.

I don't see autonomous truck being adopted at scale on highways for more than 5 years.

I don't believe this because I don't see how you get people who are sitting behind the wheel ready to take over to stay alert and paying attention.

And I don't see trucks on the same highways designed to travel with human driven vehicles in high numbers any time soon because at scale because of that.

So to me it would be special highways with Only autonomous vehicles or specific roadways at specific times when these autonomous vehicles are able to operate in large numbers.

Now I may be wrong. We will see. I just havent seen convincing coverage of success with high numbers of autonomous vehicles riding with traffic at one time.

And until it's cost effective and proven safe companies are not going to go all out and use these trucks to replace drivers.

Maybe one day, it will happen. And maybe some break through will cause it to happen sooner than I am thinking. We'll see.

I also talk about it here
Trucking jobs and autonomous big trucks. Is trucking still a great career in 2023?.

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