What It Is Really Like To Be a Truckers Wife

by BJH
(Clarksville, TN)

I was a military wife, he got out, now I am a trucker wife. He has been a trucker for about twelve years. I seemed to raise our daughters on my own. This was the life I signed up for so you learn to adjust.

Going into this you have to understand that you will not always be celebrating birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, anniversaries, etc...,you learn to understand this.

I know I have a caring, loving husband. We have been married for over thirty-three years. I treasure the days he is home off the road. He hauls chemicals and his company he works for will not allow the spouse to ride with the truck.

Don't go into this career thinking you will get rich. My husband thought that at first. By the time you make the truck payment, insurance, and repairs it does not leave much. My husband likes the fact that he does not have somebody standing over his shoulder checking his work. He enjoys seeing the country. He drives coast to coast and has been in all of states.

Ladies you have to learn to be a strong woman to be a truckers wife. Hope you have what it takes, mainly lots of prayers for safety.

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Sep 20, 2012
not all wives NEW
by: Anonymous

Absolutley! we do count. great post! :)

Sep 20, 2012
not all wives NEW
by: Anonymous

Absolutley! we do count. great post! :)

Sep 20, 2012
Not all wives are the same NEW
by: Anonymous

First of all, let me say how happy I am that you are living such a blessed life! However, "what it is really like to be a trucker's wife" is a blanket statement that doesn't fit for everyone; our "reality" might be worlds apart from yours.

Maybe it's a matter of experience, but being a trucker's wife was *NOT* what I signed up for and I don't like it one bit. My husband and I have been together for 15 years and he's been driving for almost a year now. We've gone from spending every free moment together to living separate lives.

I can empathize with the woman who has been dealing with a husband who can't (or won't) find the time to even talk to her on the phone, affairs, etc. I, too, have walked in those shoes.

I give lots of credit to those women who can hold a trucking relationship together while putting up with a "visitor" who stops by every once in awhile. I realize a lot of women are putting on a brave face in trying to convince themselves that everything is fine, but sometimes you have to pull up your big girl pants and face the facts. I hear over and over that "but he's doing it for us"! Well, I'd rather have my husband working a retail job than driving...then he'd be doing the best thing for US.

Much love, ladies. Remember that your happiness counts, too!!

Sep 20, 2012
Dear what it is.... NEW
by: Anonymous

I think you made some valid points in your post. However, I really do not think people get into "truck driving" to get rich. I think that most get it to it because the money "is good". The only people who make more money and are more well off are people who run and own fleets of trucks etc.....

My trucker guy makes "good money" and we are financially fit and secure for the rest of our lives. We pay taxes, we have values and morals and believe in God, isn't that what the American dream is all about? I didn't think it was about getting rich? But that's just my opinion......

If someone wants to get rich they need to play the lotto, they would have more chance at getting rich that way than getting rich at "any" type of job! :)

Sep 19, 2012
I'm done NEW
by: Anonymous

45 days out of a year, my husband is home, and when he's here, he spends his time running errands, No time for anything else, he's exhausted. Although I understand, being married to a trucker, sucks. I spend most of my life going everywhere alone, eating alone, going to bed and waking up alone. Five years later, nothings changed. This isn't a marriage, its some sort of arrangement feels like. There's more to the story besides the loneliness. He's had an affair behind my back that I had to suck up. His mistress called me and spilled her guts, HE says she was just trying to ruin his life because he broke up with her, and that he was stupid, and would never do it again. :) yes I'm smiling, because I'm an idoit if I choose to believe that. I'll bet if the tables were turned, he would be packing his bags! I'm done, and for a Christmas present, I'm giving him his walking papers. Merry Christmas and Happy new year, that's what I'm going to tell him at that time. I hope he has the strength to suck it up, like he's expected me to suck up everything I've had to suck up. I hope he's as strong as he's expected me to be.

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