What kind of citation would I get for blocking the road being stuck on a steep hill on a side street?

by Joe Rodriguez
(Allentown PA usa)

I was sent by my company using their directions which put me on a side road that had a hill that was so extreme that my small Mack day cab could not pull my cement tanker up and over the hill...

I drifted back about 20 feet the trailer blocked half of the left lane. Fire department came out to redirect traffic then a state trooper comes and says he has to issue a citation.

This is totally not my fault the company sent me out and they had some idea that my truck would not make it.

I will be fighting the ticket because the state trooper advised me to do so....

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Sep 17, 2017
Impeding traffic
by: Hervy

Im thinking impeding traffic but the cler of court could tell u for sure.

Are you saying there was no shoulder?

Plus how are u in the left lane at all if u couldnt make it up the hill?

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