What kind of drug tests to expect?

I'm about to head towards Iowa for trucking school for CRST and the last time I smoked pot was like 2 months ago. I'm sure I'll pass a urine test but not sure if I will pass a hair test?? Can somebody please tell me what drug test to expect?? thanks.

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Jun 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

give them up you do not need to be on pot or anything else that would impare your senses with tsa 2010 coming on in November you need to get cleaned up first that is a big job driving a 80.000 pound truck would you want someone like that driving with your family on the road i hope they do not hire you

Jun 21, 2010
Welcome aboard
by: NickV

Hey how's it goin? CRST driver here and I can tell you there will be no hair sample analysis. 2 months is kinda still on the border though considering what kind of smoker you were. Start drinking a whole mess of water man. I'm talkin mornin, noon, and night. I would even go see how much a drug test costs before you leave cause you come to cedar rapids and fail your in a whole mess of trouble. I've been to that terminal plenty of times and they don't play around when they say, come dirty and you gotta go. Not only that but sometimes they make you go home on your own dime. Honestly its not even worth your time if you have questions. When you pee in that cup you want to feel more like its wasting your time then be scared of failing. Up to you man but I would make absolutely sure your clean before you go. Now days that dirty test will go on your stupid CSA report and then your really screwed. Let me know if you have any more questions about CRST just ask and I can more than likely tell ya. Been here for 6 months. Hope everything works out for the best for you driver and keep us posted

Jun 21, 2010
DRUGS and driving.
by: Jimmy

Most do urine, but some have gone to hair. If you're going to drive, abstain from drugs, PERIOD. Jimmy

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