what kind of medical records do trucking companys want

by dustin
(san antonio)

just want to know how much info and how they get it. do i tell them or do they pull records

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May 20, 2011
med records
by: TruckerYitz

actually med records are becoming more and more available on the internet, but are supposed to be secret till you give permission for release. well anyways some things that disqualify are epileptic seizures, high blood pressure, but pills can bring the numbers down and you can get a temp cdl for 3 months and Dr will reexamine for a one yr cdl.
diabetics with sugar over 180 but again taking the Dr prescribed pills and then its not a problem.
Ive broken bones had 3 surgeries and still get 2 yr cdl.
So best advice is to contact one of the bigger companies you dont want to work for and ask them upfront what are the requirmnets they look for.

May 07, 2011
Are medical records private ?
by: Jimmy

First off, there is no "Central clearing house" for persons medical records. So, that means it's a honor system. Unless you tell the Doc, he won't know. The exception being obvious surgeries, with scar showing. And also any meds that show up on a drug test. Jimmy

May 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

thank you for your quick response, ive had a few surgeries but all are 5 and ten years old,but thats it. should i go ahead and get a release or are they old enough to pass over,again thanks for your help.

May 06, 2011
San Antonio neighbor
by: NickV

How ya doin dustin, I'm up in live oak off 35 and toepperwein. Anyway most major companies are going to make you do a physical. Some are as easy as a couple of coughs, and some are pretty extensive. Link America put me on a heart monitor around my chest and had to do a battery of exercises. When they are giving you this physical they will be asking you questions, I.e. Do you snore? Have you had and surgeries? Any history with drugs, alcohol, pills? Any back problems? And so on. Its really up to you to tell the truth or not but if you do say you have a problem with any of that you will be automatically sent home for a doctors note release saying you are ok to drive. As far as checking medical records I don't think they do that. Of course if your taking nitro for a freakin heart problem then trucking may exactly not be for you and you would need to divulge that information. Companies want to know that you are healthy enough to drive their expensive tractors/trailers/freight all over the country without having a heart attack and driving head on into oncoming traffic or somethin. If you have any more questions just shoot. Hope this helped you out a little

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