What kind of stresses are involved in trucking?

by Kyle

How do you handle those stresses, do they tend to be overwhelming?

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Dec 23, 2022
Is Trucking Life Stressful?
by: The Crazy Trucker

Short answer yes.

Philosophical Answer: What is stressful to one person may not be stressful to another.

Reality: Trucking life by nature of the jobs has what most people would consider as stressful elements.


You might not know what your schedule will be for the week. You might not know where you will be in two days!

You can't control the traffic situation. Or how people drive.

You might not be able to turn down loads to places you don't like going.

You can't control the time of day or night you will be driving.

You can't make the shippers or receivers load or unload you quicker. Or consider that your electronic log is running while you're waiting.

Because you can't always control your schedule it might cause you to not make promises to your loved one about getting home.

If you make promises, you might not be able to follow through.

You can't predict or control breakdowns....which will affect your scheduling and paycheck.

For a lot of drivers the pay from week to week might vary a lot. By hundreds of dollars.

So these are some of the types of things that can occur with a trucking job.

But it doesn't have to be internalized as such.

The stresses of trucking and how to handle them

Sep 18, 2011
Handling Stress i nTrucking
by: hervy

Basically the stresses that are involved in trucking can be found in the disadvantages in trucking.

Other stress can be attributed to what was mentioned on this page especially some of the stuff that Jeff mentioned.
emotional challenges in trucking

Handling Stress is found on this page and at the link at the bottom of this page
Stress in trucking

how to de stress

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