What kind of tickets count against you when trying to get a trucking job?

by Billy Conklin
(Hancock, Ny)

Hi, Ok, let me explain. I am trying to clean up my license so I can get my CDL permit and go to trucking school. But after reading some posts online, I don't know if I should continue with my plan.

It all started with and expired inspection sticker, I got a ticket for that and didn't have the money to pay it. Then I was behind in child support so between the two of those thing, my regular license got double suspended.

Then I drove anyway and got a ticket for driving without a license, and a seat belt ticket at the same time.

Bottom line is that this equaled a TON of money and I got it all paid off except the last $287.00 to get it unsuspended.

This is all within the last couple years.

I am seeing on the company hiring boards that you cannot have more than 3 tickets in the last 3 years. Are these only moving violations, or any tickets at all? Does the no inspection count against me ?

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Mar 23, 2012
thnak you
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for your response!


Lifeasatrucker.com No problem Billy

Mar 20, 2012
It depends on the company
by: Hervy

Hey Billy,

That's going to depend from company to company about how much is too much. If they said tickets though, it may have meant tickets period. However, the only way to know that for sure is to call.

You are definitely at point for heavy resistance to hire you though man with the record you have. Moving or not they are some serious charges. Remember for the most part people seeing your record don't hear your story, just what your record says.

1 guy on the site said he wrote the judge and got him to actually dropped a charge from felony to misdemeanor. That was based on time passed and effort of rehabilitation since the time passed.

It might be tough for you to get anything like that done, but it's worth a shot to see what happens.

What ever you do keep your head up man.

call the companies and see what they are saying, if all are not interested you know to focus on other options. It doesn't mean you have to stop applying but it might be wise to work on making other opportunities open up for you.

Best of luck,

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