what meds can i take for depression

by denise

I am taking zoloft for depression, Ive had some financial issues and had some anxiety and my dr put me on clonazapam and zoloft, yesterday at my dot physical dr told me i cant take them,he wont issue me a odot card, what can I take so I can drive?

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Aug 31, 2012
I like your post Hervy!!!!
by: Helonwheels

Because you have hit it on the nose!!

The guy who posted the "Real Deal" did not have an inclining of what helps and doesn't help when people are ill whether it is mental disorder or a chronic illness...

Most doctors will definitely teach patients how to incorporate some type of exercise and proper diet plan into their treatment.

I am glad to hear your positive notes on this subject of health and wellness and how some illnesses can be cured through holistic remedies vs. taking medication!!


Aug 30, 2012
Chemical imbalances
by: Hervy

A poor diet which results in lack of certain vitamins and minerals can cause a chemical imbalance. It can affect your thinking.

Also your environment affect the way that you think.

The way a person thinks and makes decisions which will either make your life harder or more manageable can have an affect on the level of stress that you live with.

High levels of stress can also create chemical imbalances.

This also means that exposing yourself to a more positive environment so that you learn about the power of the mind and body and also how to stop worrying and deal with stress will help you to correct the chemical imbalance in many cases.
Getting away from negativity so that you see the world with hope and opportunity will also help your thinking.

Drugs are not solving problems. They may help with the symptoms and may be needed but they don't fix what is causing the problem.

Many cases of depressions could be fixed with nothing more than a change of thinking which enables a person to escape living a life full of stressful situations.

This means yes, circumstances can and does cause people to be predisposed and suffer from depression.

It's not that hard to understand.

And no, I am not a Dr. but I can think and process information to a reasonable degree of competency.

How we live as a whole person is what affects our health. Neglect one area and another area is affected because your body is a complete system working together. Correct the things that you are doing wrong to/with your body and other problems that you are having both obvious and otherwise have no choice but to improve.

(whether you actually witness that improvement or not)

"How can he make such a statement? Who does he think he is...Mr Know it all?"

No, this statement is true because no matter what you stop doing to harm your body it enables the body to operate more effectively.

This means even if you don't see better results, they are there.

You start with the basics.

Eat right. Get rest. Exercise.

then you...

Feed the mind, body and spirit.

You will find that many stresses and illnesses tend to pass you by.

Anything else is patchwork. The patchwork (meds and such) serve a purpose (enables you to live with the condition) but they don't provide cures. If they do seem to fix/mask a problem, you have ask, what other problems are they causing because it is not natural to the body.

The best cures are free and invaluable at the same time. (Most of them natural and organic literally and figuratively speaking)

These are my opinions and have worked for me in many ways. It's free why not try it for yourself.

Think honestly about what I have said about health. Does it not make sense?

Aug 30, 2012
Give me a break REAL DEAL
by: Anonymous

Looks like you don't know much about anything, unless your a doctor you should not be giving out any medical advice at all....just because you read a website and a few books does not make you a doctor to tell people what they should be doing or not doing.....so go back to the hole you crawled out of and put some glasses on before you start to read anything again......nimwit... your advice stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 30, 2012
The Real Deal
by: Noddim Prest

It appears that no one here has the slightest inkling about this. First, depression that must be treated with meds is usually the result of a chemical imbalance in the body. It's not external. You can't ”fix” it by correcting circumstances. No diet, exercise or therapy is going to have the outcome of making this kind of depression go away. You have to get at the chemistry that's causing it.

The drugs used to treat this are not found on the FMCSA schedule of prohibited drugs. They are not habit forming, & they don't interfere with your thought processes. I guess even the doctor here doesn't have a good understanding of depression or the drugs used to treat it. Zoloft, is not a narcotic.

Heres a website to check out. You should tell your company what you're taking. http://www.thetruckersreport.com/truckingindustryforum/questions-from-new-drivers/124096-banned-drug-list-for-cdl-2.html

Jun 23, 2012
I don't know
by: Hervy

Hello Denise,

I think you have been give some excellent feedback. I have just a few things to add but I don't know about meds for depression that enable you to drive.

Action steps

1. Start by listing 10 things in your life that are going right. 10 things that you are happy about, proud of, thankful for. Don't think about them, write them down.

2. See if there are groups in your area that meet for anxiety, depression.

3. Get a sheet of paper. Write down the reasons that have caused you financial difficulties. What is common in those reasons? Pinpoint what has caused your financial situation.

If it is a result of your choices or actions take responsibility for that. Not to beat yourself up but so that you can do the next step...

Write out what specific steps that you can take to not go down the same path going forward. Whether that is looking at issues differently to not make the same choices or whether that means getting some training to understand something better or getting counseling on handling money.

So what specific steps will you take to be in a better frame of mind with regards to money going forward.

4. Check at your local Goodwill for free classes on money or financial literacy, they may also have counseling for financial situations.

Also Goodwill has free classes to learn skills to make a person more marketable so that if you can't drive a truck you can prepare to shift into other areas of employment.

Having a map of what to do will give you something constructive to be working toward, which will in itself help with controlling the stress, anxiety and depression.

What you should do in addition is help your body further to deal with illness, disease, or problems.

Eat right, get exercise, get sleep. It's no joke.

That produces the conditions for your body to be most effect at problem solving and to fight illnesses. I you won't do those things, there is really no reason to complain about the problems moving forward be you would not be doing all that you can to erase the problems.

coping with stress

Jun 21, 2012
by: Anonymous

What the heck are you thinking "anonymous Zoloft" post???? Just because you drove on drugs does not mean everyone will have the same reactions while driving on that drug.

What a knucklehead to play God and tell someone it is okay to drive on these drugs when a Doctor told the person he would not allow her to drive if she took them?? Are you that dense minded???

Jun 21, 2012
Now That Is Good Advise!
by: Anonymous

Jimmy I totally agree with you!! Take care of the problem first.

Jun 21, 2012
No meds while driving.
by: Jimmy

Truck driving is serious business. ANY accident will result in a lawsuit. Trucking companies are insured to the hilt and lawyers know it. Consequently, truck companies don't want or need the risk of having "medicated" drivers behind the wheel.

They have enough problems defending UN-medicated drivers involved in an accident, so why risk a medicated driver behind the wheel. Get off the meds BEFORE you pursue trucking. Jimmy

Jun 21, 2012
by: Anonymous

No it will not affect your driving abilities. I took it years and drove and done fine. And it will not affect your dot medical card

Jun 21, 2012
by: Anonymous

Yeah, take yourself down to a bankruptsy attorney, I mean if your financial issues are that bad, you could wipe your debt away, and you wouldn't be depressed anymore. You wouldn't need medication.

Jun 21, 2012
Please get help!!
by: Anonymous

NONE!!!!! Depression needs to be treated by a Doctor.

I do not think anyone here can give out medical advice. You most definitely need a Doctor to help you. No-one should be behind the wheel while under the influence of certain types of med's??

This is illegal and endangering other lives is just plain wrong, this is why your doctor does not want to allow you to drive.

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