What method of drug screening does estes express use?

Does estes express do hair or urine screening

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Aug 10, 2020
Every company need understand this before doing hair tests NEW
by: Anonymous

My mother do crack and I stay with her.... when she go get drugs sometimes they put in her hand with no bag and she get in the car Touch the door handles and get to the house touch the doorhandles and everything else so when I come in and touch anything behind her It get into my bloodstream but I never did any drugs or drink in my life but it keep saying I have shit in my hair!!!!! Like this bullshit y’all know find out if a person using it or not because I can go into a public restaurant or rest room and if someone had crack residue on there hands and I touch the door after them now it’s in my bloodstream so this hair test shit is bullshit!!!!

Nov 03, 2018
Drug testing NEW
by: Anonymous

Wha wha what....im going to go rub 1 out

Jan 10, 2017
Bruh! NEW
by: Shitty Lee

I smoke weed all the time and still drive a semi fuck these gay assholes the ones who are talking shit are the ones you here about buttfucking eachother at rest areas and they are lying there asses off all these truckers have done drugs especially the seasoned truckers who have been driving for a decade or more bro just get your own truck and keep some fake piss for the DOT and your good to go just don't be stupid and drive high do it on your off time when your not gonna drive for atleast 10 hours.

Oct 18, 2015
wondering NEW
by: Anonymous

So has anyone got an answer?

Sep 11, 2015
To the dick head who replied! NEW
by: Anonymous

Some people have changed in the last year or two but still want to be informed or aware of what type of drug screening a certain company is going to do! If you didn't have the answer your dumb ass shouldn't have replied. Dick head! If someone has the answer I would like to know as well. Thanks

Dec 30, 2014
estes trucking NEW
by: Anonymous

why can't anybody post an accurate list of trucking companies that do hair testing, what's the big deal, drivers have a right to know before they apply someplace. I would like to get an answer if Estes does or not.

Feb 20, 2014
To the other dumb comment. NEW
by: Anonymous

Ya because you've never done anything in life you shouldn't have done. I'm so sick of all the a**holes that just won't answer these questions. Who cares what your opinion people just want to know who does hair tests or who doesn't. We got stoned in Iraq does that mean we shouldn't have been there either? Douche bag

Feb 11, 2014
I dont understand NEW
by: Anonymous

why are so many people coming on this site asking questions about drug testing?? either you are clean or your not? If your not then stay off our frkin roads. If you are clean then this question should not enter your mind....dear God!

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