what other trucking industry jobs are out there?

by chris

Like dispatcher, what other trucking industry jobs are there besides driving a truck?

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Dec 04, 2009
Trucking related jobs.
by: Jimmy

OK, inside the office, you have dispatching, payroll, safety, sales etc. In the shop, you have mechanics and supervisors that keep the fleet running. Working parallel with trucking are truck brokers who arrange the freight to be delivered and picked up.

States have inspectors for CMV's while driving through their state as well as office people that handle road taxes for trucking companies. You should include dealers that sell trucks and truck stops that sell fuel/food etc.

And don't forget about trucking schools that teach new drivers. Even companies that deliver new/used trucks around the country. Jimmy

Dec 04, 2009
Trucking industry jobs
by: Anonymous

companies need people for Operations, or maybe overseeing repairs, booking jobs, there are alot of inner workings if you have some type of experience or willing to train and have knowledge of the industry never hurts to submit apps and send resumes to companies you are interested in.

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