What percentage of truck drivers cheat on the road?

What Percentage of Truckers Cheat?  I'd guess at 20%

What Percentage of Truckers Cheat? I'd guess at 20%

My husband and i have been together 15 years.. He got his head turned by a somewhat cute 24 yr old gas station attendant at one of the places he stops in.. Initially we were going to divorce..

But he says it didn't go any further than a kiss and dinner and drinks and only once...i am still having trust issues..

We have been back together two months... How do i trust him again?? And is this behavior common amongst drivers??

I should mention.. I am an attractive 42 yr old asst store manager we have 5 kids together and a lot of ups and downs..

This is the first time cheating has ever been a question.. He is 38 yrs old motocross racing incredibly nice guy..

Not sure how we got here???

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Sep 17, 2024
Dramatics NEW
by: Anonymous

I was very much in love with this man for over 24yrs, then he became a truck driver, it started out nice, and he would come to SF, and visit me every month, then him mom passed, and he changed, but I knew it wasn't because his mom passed. He stopped calling and over a year we had not seen each other. I should have known he wasn't going to be true and honest. We had nice memories to look back on even before he started driving across country. I always tell him, I'm the longest he's relationship he's been in, and like I said very beautiful times together but I'm tired of ups and downs of his lying. I always wonder why he never asked to marry me, or give me an engagement ring. I still have his old wedding band. Thanks very much for memories Mr SJ

May 06, 2024
Yes , they all cheat NEW
by: Anonymous

They are on Tinder, Cougar sites on Facebook… every dirty thing … disgusting.

May 06, 2024
Yes all cheat NEW
by: Anonymous

They are on Tinder, Cougar dating etc. disgusting

Jan 18, 2024
They are cheating NEW
by: Anonymous

They are on Cougar sites… Tinder etc… disgusting

Jan 22, 2023
Most Trucker Do Not Cheat - And Truckers get cheated on just as much
by: The Crazy Trucker

Let's think about this for a second....

There are 3 million truckers. You think a few more might be sharing on this page if All or even MOST truckers were cheaters?

Unfortunately this DOES happen and it is very very sad especially when fully grown mature men and women care so little for their spouse to do this.

I mean you've lived and likely experienced or at least witnessed the pain personally or to some other family this causes and to go out and cheat, really says a lot about the person.

Having said that, I feel there are many different things in a relationship that can lead us to this.

I've heard drivers talking in the television room about chating with waitresses, and talking to women they've met here or there.

Believe it or not they tell themselves it's innocent and just a way to pass time on the phone or when visiting the town. etc.

It's not different than men and women who go out to dinner (NOT WORK RELATED) after corporate 9 to 5s or regular jobs with fellow employees and down play it.

You MUST have boundaries and respect your relationship. You MUST put yourself in the other person's shoes. Supposed the roles were reversed, would you like your spouse to be spending time with the opposite gender from work or school over and over.

The answer is no.

Also I feel that couples need to engage in activities that continuously build the relationship.

You should be working on common goals and/or projects whether it's financial independence, starting a business, putting the kids through school, something that requires you to always share and focus and build.

Also how about both partners proactively read and research how to strengthen the relationship. Do couples games, retreats, exercises, etc.

Each person should be trying to out do the other in making him/her feel special. You won't have as much cheating.

I used to hide cards in my girl's apartment and give her hints on where to find it. Sometimes I'd hide $20's and tell her to go eat lunch on me.

I wouldn't send a fruit bowl from Whole foods to arrive when she gets up late from bed. And when she was sick. I would send her short videos of trucking lifestyle so she could experience my day to day. I would even send her stock.

I would take her on trips to the beach, casino, Biltmore. But for example, when she got in the car to go to the beach there was a beach towel across her seat in her favorite colors with my pet name for her embroidered! That's how I feel a couple is supposed to be toward each other!

I didn't have room in my mind or heart to cheat!

She would make me trail mix to take on the road, natural body butter and special vegan dishes when I come home (occassionaly). We worked on t-shirt ideas, YouTube ideas, tiny home community ideas, I got her into investing in the stock market etc.

If you as a driver have goals that you're working on when you're not trucking, you don't have the time or money to mess around with other women.

I always tell drivers you should be working on a way to be able to transition out of the truck on your down time if you're not resting or exercising.

And if you are always thinking of ways to delight your woman and make her smile you don't have room to think about another woman.

But as was stated it DOES matter to be with the right person. Someone who treats you the same way, makes it easy to just make the relationship more and more solid. But someone who mostly takes and hardly ever reciprocates will not enjoy that treatment for too long.

And the other things you have to be aware of is the voices at home in the wife ears. That can cause her mind to wander if SHE is not also intentional about her thoughts and actions.

These women in her ear pitching her all the cheating trucker horror stories they hear and don't let them be jealous because of how she's being treated.

So there's a LOT that goes into making these relationships work. Starts with the quality of person you're with with includes his/her willingness to actually WORK on the relationship.

Also depends on their level of personal development and communication skills. Cause if they can't keep their mind and thoughts in the game and on track they can be derailed. And that can cause poor decisions or a slacking in nurturing the relationship.

Truckers are not the only ones who cheat.

Truckers get cheated on as much as truckers cheat. And often it starts in a similar way. One thing leads to another. That person is there all of the time and she spends 'innocent' (or not so innocent) time with him and next thing you know it's less and less time on working on the relationship.

Here are some more key red flags for drivers and the spouse at home......

If she/he has a problem with you asking normal questions like, "What did you do today."

That's programming so keep you from asking on the regular. When it should be just normal chit chat for two people not seeing each other for weeks.

If she/he has a problem sharing photos or videos when on a trip while you're gone yet they want photos or videos from you, then they clearly know the joy in receiving them, why would they not be inclined to share?

If they began starting arguments when you are at home for small things that deserve less than 5 mins of attention to resolve, it's because she/he wants an excuse for free time.

If she/he stops asking about your day, it means something.

If she/her talks sweet on the phone late night and says I wish you were here, but when you say you can be there in 20 mins her entire tone changes and she gets mad that you didn't tell her you were near. It's a game. That's to take the focus off of the change in her attitude to why you didn't say you were that close. If she wanted to see you, she would be happy you were there unexpected.

So yes, it's a tuff world out here. For both truckers and spouses at home.

There are truckers on the road that I've met who a lot of spouses at home don't deserve. I've hear those stories as well.

Them going home unexpected and finding a common acquaintance vehicle there. Or not being able to reach the woman at home for days.

It's very interesting out here.

It's my deepest wish that everyone eventually finds and ends up with EXACTLY who they deserve for happiness and relationship bliss.

If you're not in a relationship, go slow, because people will fool you bad! And if you're not ready, don't rush it. Wait until you have the time, freedom, money, and capacity to do it how you really want to. (Well this depends on type of person you meet. That's the safest route. You can meet someone evolved enough to handle mid journey ride but they are rare.)

Check out this page for more on nurturing the relationship.

Dating and Relationships Advice for Truckers and Wives

If you are in a relationship. And you're not happy with how things are or the outlook for the future check out this page.

Expressing Yourself

If you are not in a relationships, don't get into one until you have reached your own goals. Or you are comfortable on you path.

That way you will have the time, attention, resources to devote to the relationship that you get into.

Aug 18, 2022
Husband truck driver of 27 years is a cheater
by: Anonymous

I've been married for 27 years, with the same man for 32. Three years ago, my husband decided to take a OTR trucking job in which 90% of the time, he was not home.

He makes very good money, and good benefits - I never questioned his faithfulness until he decided to come off the road and take a local trucking job a few months ago. When I say I was blindsided... I truly was.

Supposedly, the reason why he decided to come home was for me and our family. He was tired of missing out on family gatherings, birthdays, holidays etc. But from the time he came home he was a different man.

Within the first three months of starting this local job, my husband lost 45 lbs. He was always overweight - never bothered me, and I don't think he really cared. But all of a sudden, his looks dramatically changed. I thought the man was sick!

I made him go for his annual physical and bloodwork only to find out he was healthy as a horse. But what had me questioning these changes was his behavior. He became distant, stopped calling me, stopped returning text messages.

It was my grown daughters who still live at home who came to me and said he was acting very strange and that his phone behavior was odd. They had noticed many times that when they came into the room and if he was on his phone, he hurried up and turned it off and would place the phone face down. Well... it was one weekend we were trimming some bushes outside and I came in for some water.

His phone was charging and all of a sudden I see a whatsapp message come across from a young woman. All it said was 'how are you'. I never opened it because he came in right after. I told him he did receive a text - he checked it and put the phone back down. I asked him who it was, he said it was work related. I knew that was a flat out lie.

Multiple similar messages came across until I couldn't ignore it anymore. I confronted him. He said it was all spam. Here we are five months later and a LOT of arguing and fighting since, he's not the same man I married all those years ago.

I had found a wealth of crap on his phone including TONS of single local woman friend suggestions on Facebook. Since then, he turned off FB. I don't believe my husband's deceit and lies for one minute.

I've known this man for such a long time - his eyes change color when he's lying. All of a sudden I'm delusional - it's the blame game. Cheater 101 - they deflect and blame. Phone apps are so advanced these days - it's almost impossible to find their secret messaging, calls, and video/photo exchanges.

They can also have a 2nd line - which you would know nothing about. It's the snippets of BS that I found originally that I knew something was not right. Including TONS of sumosearch / escort numbers. They use VOIP - and other phone apps that lead you to no where.

To this day - he continues to lie. I gave him the ultimatum - he either STOPS the cheating and find a new job - or I'm out the door. I was always the bread winner in this home until covid.

A business that we both owned and operated for 19 years has not returned to where it once was. He knows it as well as I do. So he feels entitled to cheat on me and do as he wishes because he's bringing in the money to pay the bills at the moment.

As far as I'm concerned - cheating is a choice. It has nothing to do with a profession. They either have integrity or they don't. There's not anything you can do to change someone like this - so the only thing to do is

a) accept his cheating lying ways and go on with your life or

b) plan for a solo future.

I'm at the point where I would rather just look the other way, and start living my own life. I'm not ready to commit financial suicide - so he can continue to pay the bills. Just my two cents.

May 25, 2022
He was married with several girlfriends
by: Anonymous

I found out a couple weeks ago the long haul trucker I had been with for two years has been married for 32 years with 3 kids. Had another girlfriend in another city. He told me of 7-10 other relationships in the previous seven years all while married.

I told his wife and we've found others and all compared notes. He his phone, used Tinder and Craigslist and was with women, men and looking at young girls on social media. I'm in shock not sure how wife might stay with him.

Every word out of his mouth was a lie. If a trucker tells you he's single make sure and doubt it and do your homework!

The dudes from Abbotsford hauls to Edmonton and Calgary.

Jan 22, 2022
If he’s a trucker then accept you’re in an open relationship
by: Anonymous

If you have evidence don’t even let on that you know: they’ll lie anyway.

Understand that they cheat and protect yourself.

Start putting money from one account into a secret account and keep your stable, secure home.

Men feel justified to cheat especially if they have a good paying job.

If you met them in a dating site, they’re still using it to meet other people

Nov 15, 2021
Mike who?
by: Anonymous

You say you have a mike working with a flatbed company....more info please??

Oct 18, 2021
My trucker cheated on me to a minor
by: Anne

I'm a cancer patient married to a truck driver my husband cheated on me and still doing it until now. I'm devastated, he cheated on me over a 14 yrs old . He's name Kevin of trappers transport.

Oct 17, 2021
Yes He cheated
by: Anonymous

His name is MIKE he is on every dating Site there has ever been made He drives for a FLATBED COMPANY anyone know him contact me THANKS

Aug 25, 2021
Truckers Are Cheaters
by: Anonymous

I met a trucker name Keith who work for a company called RR and he was a male version of a WHORE.

His wife found out he had been cheating with multiple women and telling women he was single he even had me fooled. So I will never fool around with a trucker ever.

Nov 14, 2020
Dirty cheats! I thought i was in a loving relationship
by: Anonymous

I thought I was in a loving relationship for over four years, bought a house together 2017, making plans for the future, didn’t suspect a thing.

Then in March 2020 I was helping him change over his new phone and noticed strange activity, it turns out he was leading a split life which is quite easy to achieve when you’re away 5 days a week!

At home he’s MR lovely, caring and everything he does is for US, friends and family thought he was a genuine guy, this dirty cheat google search for girls and more...., when he parks up. He’s on so many dating sites.

I’m really not sure how anyone has time to do this whilst working as hard as he often quotes, but even more so could any sane person be bothered to do this, depraved and pathetic little man!

When confronted he admits to sleeping with one person! He met on a dating site. He said it was "just a dark time he’s been going through" and just curious.

So ladies if you see odd behaviors, protective over his phone, conversation details don’t add up, trust your gut feeling every time.

There were times when I asked questions but he quickly reassured me it was all in my mind and why would he mess around when building a home with me, and the best words were "I’m living a blameless life and working hard."

Don’t accept that, be as sneaky as he is: check his emails, text messages, telephone bills, online search history is there forever, the other thing that was so obvious but I dismissed, his circle of friends were very promiscuous, he told me about other truck drivers having affairs, cheating and meeting people, he often criticized them for it.

He was doing far worse than them. This experience has destroyed my trust in men, in my own judgement and although it’s not life threatening the pain and hurt this man has put me through with his sick twisted trucker lifestyle of lies, deceit and filth will be the biggest lesson life has thrown at me.

I sincerely hope his karma is as ruthless when it catches up to him.

Aug 06, 2020
Bringing darkness to light
by: Anonymous

If anyone have come across this truck driver...he works for Southeast C.....about 6’2, light brown skin, bald and sometimes he wear his hair salt and pepper ....more gray than black, low cut, brown eyes, bow leg walk with a limp.

Runs mostly the Deridder LA, Houston and Waco. Goes by the name Ricky....if you have also had any dealing / play time with him. Touch bases with me too.

Oct 21, 2019
by: RW

I have read countless post from this blog and see that all these post are one sided. For all you ladies out there that say truckers aint shit. Blah, Blah, Blah. Kick rocks.

Dont include everyone in your category. Your bad experience is your personal opinion of w.e man/woman you happen to have met in life.

If a man will sacrifice his time on this earth to support his wife and family he is definitely not a piece of shit.
If the man you happen to be with likes picking up these lizard lots... That speaks volumes on the type of men you are into.

With all the technology in this world a lot of you need to wisen up and learn how to use it. If i can be on the road and watch everything goin on at home from my phone ... Dont you think a camera can go in the truck and watch everything that goes on...

I mean if your really that insecure try investing in that.

For the ones posting they just want to spend the money n go fuck.. Your condoning it. Your worst than the lizard lot that's n your man truck...
A truckers life is a lonely one.

If the man you happen to fall in love with drives trucks. Don't be a stupid hoe and take bad advise from these clowns. Know your man. Understand the sacrifice. Keep his mind entertained so it doesn't wander... Im gone R.W

Sep 21, 2019
7 years married and 9 together
by: Anonymous

I wake up to check the time on his cell and what do I see? Hi I saw your number on tinder?

I have never been so hurt! I tried to believe in my husband but how can I now?
I got him to show me the add it was for male female or couples.
He says he loves me and not sue why he did it!

How can I trust him again? I am a loyal wife who is home from mon to friday I see him one to 2 days a week.

Broken hearted

Aug 01, 2019
Earl must die
by: Anonymous

Truckers who say that "most of us don’t cheat"...

They cheat.

These are the most insufferable human beings on the planet.
"We don’t have time to cheat". ...

Yes they do.

The trucker industry is rife with cheaters. DON’T DATE A TRUCKER PIECE OF SHIT.

The rumors are true.

People who go into that job do so for a reason.

Jun 18, 2019
My ex girlfriend became a truck driver after a year we broke up
by: Anonymous

Okay I am not a truck driver. But my ex-girlfriend decided to start driving Midwest I think they call it intermodal and she's only home on the weekends.

After one year she totally changed and she started being confrontational with me and of course I've seen a few texts and things from other guys.

Course she claims it's truck driving talk sure so what I want to ask seeing on that a truck driver and in the business how many female truck drivers do you see jumping around tether trucks or flirting with men constantly out there in the field because I truly don't believe that it's as innocent as people claim it to be.

Plenty of downtime sleeping next to each other in a truck and people definitely get horny and lonely. And be nice to hear from people that have seen or know the experience and I'm sure if I had a camera on her truck I wouldn't like what I see or hear.

And this is why after 1 year and being in trucking our relationship is over with now I don't trust her and cheese probably hiding stuff on her truck I mean I don't go and visit your truck I can imagine she's got a extra cell phone on their she does have an extra laptop I mean it's so easy to talk online and she already got caught doing that once so once a cheater and talking to men I would imagine when you're all alone with all that a long time and with internet access is plenty of Avenue to hook up with people via Facebook or Skype or probably some secret trucker website that they have out there for people that are fooling around.

so anyone can fill me in a little bit I'd appreciate it I don't think obviously everyone's doing this sleazy crap but I'm sure it's out there and I'd love to hear from people and true stories especially on female truck drivers in the business.

Jun 11, 2019
He says he sorry?
by: Fefe

My boy friend and i been together 10 years we have a 2 year old son. He cheated on the road while i was pregnant and after most of the time he uses escort sites or go to asian massage suites. No explanation except he's loney? Nothing i did wrong. Im totally dependent on him and he knows this, he has no fear of me leaving him.

May 06, 2019
my ex-wife cheated with a trucker
by: Anonymous

My wife left me for a long haul trucker. I found his two ex-wives online and asked about him. He cheated on both of them so I'm sure me ex will be surprised when he does the same to her.

I began contacting friends I met during my W.O.W. days who were long haul truckers to ask how common it was. They told me (three different long haul truckers who drive different parts of the country and all have 20+ years driving a piece) they told me it was very common because it was easy especially in the case of lay overs.

Oh and for those who would claim if I would have taken care of my wife this wouldn't have happened, I got her family (siblings and parents) in the divorce because they saw how well I treated her.

If someone leaves you cause the grass is greener just remember that usually means it is well fertilized with bull shit.

May 06, 2019
my ex-wife cheated with a trucker
by: Anonymous

My wife left me for a long haul trucker. I found his two ex-wives online and asked about him. He cheated on both of them so I'm sure me ex will be surprised when he does the same to her.

I began contacting friends I met during my W.O.W. days who were long haul truckers to ask how common it was. They told me (three different long haul truckers who drive different parts of the country and all have 20+ years driving a piece) they told me it was very common because it was easy especially in the case of lay overs.

Oh and for those who would claim if I would have taken care of my wife this wouldn't have happened, I got her family (siblings and parents) in the divorce because they saw how well I treated her.

If someone leaves you cause the grass is greener just remember that usually means it is well fertilized with bull shit.

Apr 07, 2019
Not all trucker are cheaters!!!
by: Anonymous

There are a lot of drivers that do not cheat but we do have those that do!! Which makes people think they are all the same. They are not.

They do not have to be truckers to cheat. I’ve been married to a driver for 17 years has two kids. I’ve been on the road with him all over the country. My children as well.

Yes, there are lizards who knock on doors women and men. It’s bad in a lot of places and some not so much. It’s very hard on a wife or husband of a trucker.

They are gone a lot and we miss them so much. That gives no right for one to cheat when you decided to get married n have kids. As I said 17 years of marriage and the biggest part is my husband barely knows me. Which has caused conflict a lot.

Yes he’s cheated but I stayed anyway thinking it could work out. But it has not. He is distant has been for some time now.

What I really want to say is for you truckers that do have wives / husbands children. Do not be so consumed with it that you end up missing the best part of your life. Your family!!

They are there rooting for you and waiting on you!! Those fly by night a are not going through the rough times and good with you.

They aren’t taking care of everything at home!!
Your wife is and no matter how hard it is she’s gonna be there. So why hurt someone that loves you and obviously meant something to you at one time!!

And thank you for your service!! Missing my husband!!

Feb 19, 2019
I've got to go my own way
by: Gabriella the Wife of Trucker Mc Truck

I've got to move on and be who I am.

I just don't belong here, I hope he understands.

He might find a truck in this world someday.

But at least for now... I've got to go my own way.

Jan 19, 2019
by: Lisa

I was married 25 years and my husband started driving in 1990. He never gave me any reason to think he was cheating until he started coming home less and less and then when he was home he was distant and complaining.

I found out he has several women and was still sleeping with me. I spoke with one woman who told me he said he was waiting on me to sign appears and that she left her husband to be with mine and he dumped hers d that he partied in Mexico.

He wounded up cleaning out all of our bank accounts and married a Mexican woman with three kids and bought her a house with our daughter college money.

I would never marry a truck driver

Dec 03, 2018
I feel hurt and lost
by: Anonymous

My husband is a truck driver, on or anniversary he came home from work & told me that he had internet relationship. Showing each other there body parts.

The only reason he told me was because the girl said she was going to contact me his wife on Facebook. No one contacted me, but now I don't trust him.

He'll tell me store's about girls at truck stops coming up to him paying. He says of course he never would do this, but I think different.

He think he has. Our relationship has been rough the past year and a half cause I have had cancer, 3 major surgeries,& hurt my back.

But we are married. He is supposed to faithful Thursday thick and thin. I just feel so hurt & lost.

Sep 30, 2018
Mike Tompkins
by: Anonymous

He tells a lot of women he loves them and he isnt married but in all reality he is and he lies to his wife so she will stay with him.BEWARE WOMEN AGAIN THATS MIKE TOMPKINS HE DRIVES FOR CRETE CARRIER

Sep 26, 2018
Excuses are cover ups for cheating
by: Anonymous

The need to flirt:
I have been told by one of my past lovers that they needed to flirt to prevent infidelity.

This does not give me comfort.

What this tells me is that this lover is a high risk. A person who flirts to "keep their boundaries in check" is a person who is capable of inviting trouble.

It is the same as a recovering alcoholic who works as a bartender. They no longer have the freedom of drinking because they can fall into an alcoholic haze, but they miss the alcoholic atmosphere.

The partying, the chaos and the lifestyle they see in clubs. However, they put themselves at risk to fall into old habits.

Flirts, or micro cheats, fall into that category. I know of no one who is a micro cheat and can hold onto a meaningful relationship.

I am not talking about silly flirting, jokes or cheap thrills. I am talking about micro cheats who pursue over and over again to gain validation.

When that is not met they go behind their partner’s back to go deep into conversations that cross boundaries and invite trouble.
These micro cheats are people to look out for.
They are not trustworthy.

Their excuse is "I need to flirt babe so I can stay faithful to you". Not true.
They say "it doesn’t mean anything".
Also not true.

If it doesn’t mean anything then why do it?
If something means nothing then there is no need to act because there is no meaning, no desire and no excitement.

They are looking for validation, and other options.

I have proof.

They are threatening you. They are saying that if they are restricted to flirt, they WILL cheat. That is abuse.
They are acting on your WORST fears. This is not a good person.

When my ex lover broke up with me what was the first thing they did? Go after the person they were flirting with. The person I called out as their "potential".

Don’t believe a micro cheat.

They are attention seekers, they are juvenile, not very smart and certainly a waste of your time.

Sep 01, 2018
The cheat no matter how good you are
by: Anonymous

Si, i see a lot of comments here saying that everything is the wife’s fault for being so dumb and judgmental.

I can guarantee I’m anything but dumb and judgmental. I’m good looking, smart, have a degree, a good job, fun, we’ve had threesomes and tried everything possible in Bed. I’m bi so my man and I have fun together with other girls.

That’s why I don’t understand wth is going on with Men. a lot of dudes would kill for being with a woman like me, I don’t need him to pay my bills because I make my own money.

So go f*&% yourself all those saying it’s the wife’s fault for being so stupid. Truckers cheat PERIOD!!!! And all the girls out there starting a relationship with one of this pigs, don’t waste your time and look for a better man.

They all are losers who deserve the miserable lives they have. My advise to those who need to stay with them because of heir children or any other reason, find a job, make your money, get ready to leave, get them pay your bills and f*^& whoever you want, then kick them out as the piece of garbage they are!

Aug 27, 2018
I'm packing my bags and kids
by: Anonymous

I been with my husband for nine years and married for six years. Gave up my whole life to follow this man and became a stay at home mom with two kids. These men think we don't know when they step out but we do.

Every time I find things that shows he been stepping out it will be " oh that's old, happen when we lived in some other state" welp the last straw is when I found a 12 pack of condoms his book bag.

We don't use them, I'm packing my bags and kids. Be on my marry way, he can't respect our vows and family....Then he will have nothing. Good luck to you other women, hugs we all need it.

Good thing I'm 32 yrs of age.... new beginnings

Jul 17, 2018
Double Lives
by: Natalie

I'm a Producer with Sirens Media, a television production company with offices in New York City and Los Angeles. We are owned by ITV America and have created a number of programs for various networks such as Netflix, A&E, and TLC.

We are currently developing factual programming for a major television network featuring powerful stories of people who have discovered that they have second families. From a child who discovered their father had another family, to a spouse who's found their partner leading a secret life, we're interested in sharing the point of view of individuals who've learned that they have family members that they never knew existed.

We are sensitively working with individuals who have had this experience and also consulting experts in this field. The project will encourage these brave individuals to share their stories with the goal of having a positive outcome for their family.

Sirens is a female led company with a focus on programming that encapsulates a large variety of diversity in its storytelling

I sincerely commend you all for sharing your stories - feel free to get in touch if this project interests you.

Jun 25, 2018
Do it back!!!
by: Anonymous

Ladies screw it... If they cheat on you cheat on them. Pussy is Power. As long as he keeps paying the bills... let him be with who he wants... be with who you want....

Jun 18, 2018
Nathan Crowder
by: Anonymous

Beware of Nationwide Flatbedder with std! Chat at your own risk!

Jun 07, 2018
"Lay Overs" gives plenty of time to cheat
by: Anonymous

It's absolute malarkey when a trucker says they "have no time to cheat." That their time is consumed with either driving or being at a truck stop. I call bull.

Depending on their hours, how much they have on the clock.. they have PLENTY of time to go out on their "layovers." Especially when they are parked near a place they can Uber.

At five o clock, when he is parked in a happening city, with a lot of bars nearby (where cougars and available women hang) I GUARANTEE he will go there.

Especially if he is a flirt, hides his phone from you, has a lot of female friends on social media, and good looking enough to score.

Don't believe a WORD he says. Struggling with a break up now.

May 07, 2018
Im safe cause my husband is gay
by: Anonymous

My husband is both a trucker and gay so im not worried at all about him cheating unless its with his college boyfriend carl whose a SKANK and because of the last time my hubby hooked up with him i got an sTd or too. F you carl it still hurts when i pee

May 07, 2018
to meny looz womean be on my man
by: Barbra Jones

My Husband of 18 ears has been on the road for the past 4 and frankly im not to pleased with him, last time he came home and we made love and i got the big G and how dare he disrespect me like that, we have seven children and all of them love him i just cant bring myself to tell them the truth about the father, he adults how can i let an adulterer back into our home, i dont know how any of our dogs can look him in the eye again

Apr 07, 2018
He finally cracked and said he was trying to have fun
by: Anonymous

So I got contacted by a trucker who claimed he’s not married. I had my suspicions so I went on a Social media to find evidence.

I found a few pictures of this lady he’s with and when I confronted him he said she was his cousin.
He kept telling his lies until he finally come out with" can you borrow me some money "

I was disgusted in this man to think what he was doing behind his poor woman’s back.

I went and dug further into the investigation on his marriage till I found pictures and he still came up with more bullshit.

Until he finally cracked and said he was trying to have fun.

Dirty lying scoundrel

Mar 01, 2018
He is just a paycheck to me now
by: Anonymous

If it looks like a duck walks like a duck, it's a duck. Truckers cheat period. Makes them feel like a big man. They are all losers.

Ass holes whose peckers should fall off my old man can barely get it up. Hope his whores on the road enjoy that. And he dint do good for no woman, only lays there.

Good thing he's just a pay check to me. Didn't use to be that way till he started cheating. And before any truck drivers start running their mouth about what a bad woman I am. My goal in life was to make him happy till he screwed me over.

Dec 05, 2017
Found out he is cheating
by: Anonymous

Found out a month ago that my trucker husband has been having online affairs. On top of that he has also been asking women to meet him.

I confronted him and he said that it was all a game and that he would never have actually met them. He just wanted to see if they would.

I call BS on that!

Oct 30, 2017
Wow Really Trucker Queen05
by: Anonymous

This is super hilarious to me seems like a lot of bitter women whose husbands aren't faithful. I'm lmao literally at the last who refers to others her put above her as hoes.

Maybe if you all weren't so fucking refined and judgmental your husband wouldn't cheat another fact a cheater is a cheater regardless of his profession.

FYI I'm a female trucker working with lots of faithful married truckers whose wife's are giving it up while they're away... Geeessssh

Jan 30, 2017
Cheating Truck Drivers
by: Anonymous

To all you cheating truck drivers who lie and cheat on your spouse/girlfriend/significant other...There is NO EXCUSE FOR IT. A REAL MAN IS STAYS LOYAL...even behind their partners back. If you cheat...then you deserve to be cheated on...SAME LOVE RETURNED....since most seem to think they have the right aND a good excuse to betray your loved one trust...





Nov 04, 2016
In response to B Trucker
by: Living in reality

I read B Truckers comment and had to laugh out loud. First why was he even reading this post? What loyal husband is looking up cheating husbands.

And it's a known fact that when a man gets that pissed off about something as stupid as a post that's not even about him it's because he's guilty and thinks he needs to defend himself to look better.

Why even comment? If he is a real trucker then he should know the reality of how many of his esteemed colleagues do cheat, it's no secret that a lot of them are very unfaithful. Maybe someday B Trucker will join us all in the real world and be honest with his wife too.

Maybe he took the first step by feeling guilty enough to read some comments by women that have been hurt by such senseless and selfish acts of cheating.

Aug 26, 2016
Heart broken.with US XPRESS truck driver
by: Anonymous

My husband left to Trucking school. I have 2 young babies. He claims he makes $200 a week with US Express. The children and I have not been able to see the children in over 3 months. He claims he can only give $50 or $100 a week.

Now, he speaks about getting a divorce and living together, because the company will only allow him to come home 5 days a month. I recommend that if you have young children you discourage your spouse to go on the road.

He now claims he is speaking to two girls one from Peru and another one from Guatemala.

May 13, 2016
Will not date another trucker
by: Anonymous

I am not married but have been with my dude for over 7yrs, we were childhood friends who yes when we were old enough we had ... Over the years we went separate ways grew up....

Long story short... Reuniting years later the chemistry was still the same n we finally got the opportunity to date n live together. Well he decided to pursue his driving career n my response was I didn't want know trucker for my man...

He assured me he was making a life for me n him but forgot to tell me the times were share n share alike. He has been unfaithful to me the entire time we have been in the relationship..at some point I believe I stayed because of the history we had together...

Now all that is out the window n I am emotionally detached n definitely gonna start back dating again. Granted it's not always the truckers fault because I know besides the lizard lickers there are other women that see truckers as well paid guys with money they can tap into so they make the pussy easy access...

My belief is a true man that loves his women is a man that can discipline himself give another women her props for being fine n beautiful but restrains himself from getting with her just because he can.

Apr 05, 2016
Kiss my but
by: B trucker

To the woman that husband cheated on,good for you nasty, maybe you were the problem and wanna play victim Like alot of women and calling truckers nasty that must be you that's nasty trying to judge every trucker nasty cause you got played by one trucker.

I'm married and only have her in my life so go get yourself checked.

Jun 17, 2013
truckers wife or truckers sucker
by: Anonymous

my husband sent a pic of himself and said good am to a female truck driver claimed they were just friends.she said he led her on, hubby claims different.hubby didnt say he was married to her. why is that?

Jun 17, 2013
truckers wife or truckers sucker
by: Anonymous

my husband sent a pic of himself and said good am to a female truck driver claimed they were just friends.she said he led her on, hubby claims different.hubby didnt say he was married to her. why is that?

Apr 30, 2013
unhappy 27 years marryed
by: Anonymous

IF ladys think there husband not cheating they are crazy...i've been threw alot wasted 27 years of my life..how can you lie to your wife face for stink low life hoes ...and disrepect your wife for hoes..i have been so hurt..which turn to anger...am not going say all what happen .because this page would turn into a book..all can say i put the hammer to my wedding rings and toss in trash...truckdrivers are nasty..plan nasty.

Feb 09, 2013
Truckers wife
by: Anonymous

I just started realizing last month myhusband was starting to frequent bars in every city he stops in. we met in a bar do I guess he isprobably cheating on me also...sucks but I'm getting ready to divorce him soon.

Jan 09, 2019
I’m a truck driver and the majority of drivers that I know don't cheat
by: Anonymous

I’m an OTR driver. I’ve been doing this for 15 years now. I have a wife and 2 kids at home, have never nor would never cheat.

I also am a trainer, I have trained well over 100 students to drive. There are a few that I know have cheated, but the majority of the drivers that I know don’t cheat. We simply don’t have time to.

I work all of my hours, take a break, exercise when I can and get back on the road. Maybe some of the younger drivers cheat but as for me and my friends, we don’t.

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