What should i do in this situation

by Tammy Thomas

I've been on the road for the last year hauling cars and i absolutely love it. He's been telling me how much he enjoys me being with him and how much help I am. Been hearing this for a year now.

I went and got another job at home like he ask me to but that wasn't where he wanted me working. I am a commercial cook. So he said quit your job and I'm coming to pick you back up.

Well guess what, i quit my job and then he wouldn't take me with him to CA. He had been telling me everything we was going to do and see and how much fun it was going to be.

Now he thinks he's coming back here to pick me up and go back out with him. I think I would be better off to get my own CDL's and just go on my own.

What would you do?

Response: With what little information that is given, I agree with your own answer to your question.

It's unclear whether you are in a relationship. Either way, you can't be in a situation where you are tossed around like a puppet.

Best wishes

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Jun 07, 2012
Okay hard to understand your post? NEW
by: Anonymous

You state you have been driving on the road hauling cars. Then you state that you feel you should get your own CDL? Are you telling us you have been driving on the road without a CDL to begin with?

That is NOT good. You could be endangering other people on the road if you do not know the rules of the road and are driving without the proper license.
Not to mention this is illegal too! Not to mention how were you two keeping your records of driving/which is illegal to doctor records also by DOT and the federal government?

In my opinion stick to your career in commercial cooking! Because you are a danger to others and can not be trusted!

Holy Cow!

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