what size power inverter do i need to run a cpap breathing machine, a fan and a tv set?

by jeff

What size of power inverter do I need in order to run a cpap (sleep apnea) breathing machine, small fan and a tv set?

Will this be a simple install like just plug into cigarette lighter?

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Sep 21, 2012
can you use a CPAP breathing machine while sleeping and still have valid CDL
by: Anonymous

I am looking at doing a sleep test with my doctor, if I get diagnosed for needing a CPAP breathing machine at night will it cause problems with having a CDL, another words is it still legal to drive?

Sep 21, 2012
can you use a CPAP breathing machine while sleeping and still have valid CDL
by: Anonymous

I am looking at doing a sleep test with my doctor, if I get diagnosed for needing a CPAP breathing machine at night will it cause problems with having a CDL, another words is it still legal to drive?

Apr 22, 2012
Power Invester
by: Dennis Shipman

1200 to 1400 Watts ought to be adequate to run those accessories. 10-4?

Apr 22, 2012
Power Invester
by: Dennis Shipman

1200 to 1400 Watts ought to be adequate to run those accessories. 10-4?

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