What to do if you can't find parking

by JC

What's up Herv it's your boy JC again. My next question is how do you take a shower/eat/use a toilet if u can't find parking?

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Apr 30, 2013
Shower and Shave
by: Hervy

JC the best way to handle that is to consider it in advance. If you are going to an area in the middle of no where like West Texas desert or Mohave Desert in Cali or if you see that your time will run out there, stop prior to getting out there and do what you have to do. Then you can continue on to drive out your hours.

Now this means you also need to know your body. For instance if you eat, how long does it last in your system? If you know you are going to ride out to where you might not find parking near a bathroom eat/drink accordingly AND take tissue and a bucket with you just in case!

In most cases the only problem finding truck parking in normal places will be in certain areas in the middle of the night. Dallas Flying J /Friday or Saturday night for instance.

Then there are other truckstops like the T/A in Dallas which charges and usually is not completely full. There are truckstops before and after Dallas that will have parking.

Other times and you are simply tired and can't find a park, you just go to a grocery store or Walmart and ask the manager is it ok to park there over night. While you are in there use the bathroom and get some food. (better to have food with you)

As far as showering, well take one in advance if you know you might not get one later. Or take one every day that you can. Then that one day if you happen to not be able to, you can go a day without a shower.

You will likely miss a day showering many times. Unless you are different from most people, you will never know you missed a shower for one night. You just take it the next day.

You should take bottled water and a wash cloth with you. Wash your face and brush your teeth like you are at camp man! :-)

By the way, you can get a truck stop directory from any truckstop which will list all places that has truck parking by state, interstate, city, etc. It can help you plan your route according to what you need to do.

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