What to do when employer tries to force me past my legal hours of service

by Shawn

I'm a dump truck driver and I have reached my 70/8 days on duty. I'm required by law to have 34 hr reset and my employer wants me to work past my 70/8.

I'm in fear for my job if I don't ! What do I do ?!

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Jun 05, 2015
Hours of service NEW
by: Shawn

Well I stood my ground and refused to work over my 70/8 DOT rule, and this past Wednesday I received the phone call I knew I would get. I was fired. The part that gets me the most is, there are other drivers they persuaded or threatened to work beyond their 70/8 DOT rule. I have contacted OSHA and DOT and reported Coshocton trucking, they asked me to wright a paper to explain what happened, want copy's of my logs and any other info I think would help their case for investigation. I also have contacted an attorney and will meet with him on Tuesday......

Jun 05, 2015
Hours of service NEW
by: Shawn

Well I stood my ground and refused to work over my 70/8 DOT rule, and this past Wednesday I received the phone call I knew I would get. I was fired. The part that gets me the most is, there are other drivers they persuaded or threatened to work beyond their 70/8 DOT rule. I have contacted OSHA and DOT and reported Coshocton trucking, they asked me to wright a paper to explain what happened, want copy's of my logs and any other info I think would help their case for investigation. I also have contacted an attorney and will meet with him on Tuesday......

Jun 05, 2015
not a trucker NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm not a trucker I've been researching jobs and training for a while now. But my opinion for you is to refuse the access hours. If they try to fire you report them to dot. Keep a copy of your log book. Take pictures if it's electronic to prove your 70/8 w/o break. And if it comes to it hire a good lawyer. It's your job to operate within the legal perameters set by the dot. And no employer has the legal authority to override the dots regulations on this matter. Bring the proof you need and cover your @$$. And you'll be just fine. Don't skimp on the lawyer if it comes down to it. You should never try to represent yourself in a court of law. Least of all against a company pulling in more money then we can ever dream of.

Jun 03, 2015
fear not NEW
by: Anonymous

It's hard to please our employers. They only see bad side only but when you cruise without pressure & do a quick turnaround they don't see it. show them extra hours you do sometimes without being pushed.

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