what to do when you are not enough

by laura

I have been with my husband for almost 3 years. I have a son by another man and another son that is his they are both under the age of 6.

We got married in June this year and I knew he wanted to drive over the road. It's hard to just sit by and let him be away more than he is home.

What do I do? We fight about it all the time. He won't give it up and I won't leave him because he is the love of my life... It hurts that he chooses this job over us. Like we are not good enough to give it up.

I'm at the end of my rope. I want more children but I don't want to raise more children by myself. I'm selfish and I know this but so is he for giving me no choice in the matter..

I tried to compromise with him asking him to drive local for about 5 to 10 years then go over the road but he won't wait more than 2 years....

What do I do? I'm tired of fighting but I can't just sit back and say nothing!

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Jun 20, 2013
Leaving him NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been with my boyfriend over 2 yrs and living with him for 1 . He has been a truck driver for 12 yrs. he came off the road awhile, I road with him oTR for awhile too. This is the first time he has been gone for 9 days. We agreed that he would be home on weekends and not do this but his second week on the job he is gone for this long. I can't handle this and he knew it I am leaving!

Sep 19, 2012
it's the way it is NEW
by: Anonymous

You are married now, and you've locked yourself into a lifestyle where you will be raising your children as a single parent for the most part, and crying yourself to sleep a lot of the times, because of this, and because of lack of intimacy and companionship, you will get lonely. You will feel angry, you will feel sad, you will feel frustrated, and you will at times, regret being tied down to someone whose hardly ever around. You will start to resent him for being gone more than he's home, and start to lose interest in him as a marriage partner, and bat the idea of divorce around in your head for awhile. You'll either accept that's how life will be for you, or you'll eventually get divorced. Being married to a long haul trucker takes some time getting used to, because unless your out on the road with him, you will wonder why you ever got married, because you'll be spending your life walking through most of it alone. That's reality! You just have to suck it up, it's that, or walk away from the marriage, because this will be your life, married to a trucker, end of story!

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