what type of drug test does CR England give?

by tom
(CA )

Does CR. England take urine or hair?

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Jan 29, 2021
Both NEW
by: Anonymous

Both hair and urine at once
Then random drug and alcohol tests
Whenever they feel like it

Nov 02, 2017
Drug test NEW
by: Anonymous

Do they do hair or piss

May 26, 2016
What kind of drug test they use NEW
by: Anonymous

So do they do hair test r pee test

Mar 28, 2016
C.R. England NEW

I found out today from representative for C.R. England today....they DO follicle testing for use up to one year back. :(

Jun 29, 2015
trucker are asshole NEW
by: Anonymous

I see they bring their road rage onto internet forums as well. It no wonder nobody like you dickheads, and break check the shit out you dipshit.
to answer the question.. Hair follicle test.

Apr 03, 2015
jerks NEW
by: Anonymous

What a bunch of assholes lol I'm a owner operator and of I knew the answer to your question because I would tell you. To all you drivers out there casting judgment on this kid stop acting Marijuana is so bad lol. Just because you smoke weed doesn't mean you drive while stoned. Just like 99.9% of you enduldge in a cold beer when home doesn't mean you drive drunk. Stupid asses lol

Jan 23, 2015
just asking a simple question NEW
by: Anonymous

It's just a simple question...i don't need all the smart talking...why do people..try to make something. So easy...hard...i don't even know why..i thought i could ask a question..people are so..judgemental....thanks for nothing.

Oct 10, 2013
by: Anonymous

wtf !!!!we dont smoke and drive idiot...smoke right before bed for arthritis,better than getting drunk..which is a problem for half truck drivers...i know a lot of drivers who smoke......not on the road

Oct 02, 2013
cr england
by: Anonymous

what kind of drug tests do they give? hair or pee for a new

Mar 04, 2011
by: Thomas from Iowa

They will send you home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU USE, STAY HOME BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT HIRE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 04, 2011
Help I need advice about smoking weed and taking the drug test
by: Anonymous

I start school Monday. I smoked weed last Monday. If I have a weed card. I have a bottle of test clean. Will it work 4 my test. What happens if I fail my test 4 C R England.?

Feb 16, 2011
Just say no.....
by: Jimmy

Assuming you're dirty, stay away from trucking. If you're clean, what difference does it make ? Jimmy

Feb 14, 2011
drug test
by: Thomas from Iowa

If you do drugs don't apply to Trucking Companies!!! END OF STORY

I'm getting sick of people asking this all the time.

Feb 16, 2016
General Public are Idiots... NEW
by: Hormonal Housewife

Agreed. Just because you smoke or drink doesn't mean you do it while you drive... As far as brake checking a truck. BAD IDEA. Trucks don't slow down or speed up like normal vehicles, you morons. It's not like a 5 speed! We used to haul 80,000lb of shit on a flat bed and have people do a sudden stop in front of us... People do not know how lucky they are that the possible POT HEAD (who ISN'T high) managed to stop the truck and swerve to avoid hitting morons like those people. Oh, but I guess "normal" drivers don't understand all the extra stress and restrictions put on truckers.
Not sure about C.R. England, but Melton Truck Lines does test hair. Arnold transportation and Swift transportation does urine, but I don't recommend those last two companies unless you like to sit more than haul.

Mar 15, 2016
Hair or Piss simple witch on will CR England give? NEW
by: Anonymous

this i dumb you all give CRAP answers. and don't even answer any questions. Shi* Heads!!!!!

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