What type of drug testing is currently done by trucking companies

by the guy

DISCLAIMER: Please read the whole thing before you think about judging me for my life choices. You aren't me you don't know what my life is like.

Now then.

Me and my girlfriend are looking into driving team otr. We have some semblance of a plan together which all hinges on waiting out our systems to get clean. We have no intentions of driving under the influence or using weed while working for any trucking company.

When I say we want this we mean it with everything we have.
I have been a heavy smoker for almost 10 years(all day just about every day). I'm roughly over 20 years old and I've worked since I was 12 for my family business which walks all over me and now my girlfriend too. We want out asap.

But alas after smoking for so long I need time to get clean. We've been sober for three days now and every moment feels like hell. Not from lack of weed but because the jobs we have are so over the top it's beyond belief and the weed was our way of coping with a situation we couldn't handle.

I'm talking weeks at a time with no off days, working 10-15 hours of labor every day landscaping or equivalent labor related work. It's horrifying.

We want to move somewhere far away but we only pull in about 25k a year between the both of us (Thanks to being on salary.) Which is just enough to pay the bills eat and
have enough left over to save in order to pay our bills while we go through training.

after a few weeks of research into different jobs and training and schooling we settled on otr team driving. We are fully aware of the requirements and the mandated drug testing. Again we quit smoking once we made our decision and now we are just waiting it out till our systems are clean to pass.

If we need a hair test that means 5-6 months minimum. Most likely longer for me than her. So I just want a clear answer from someone who was recently hired from any (company trained preferably) otr team companies. What kind of tests did they use?

Again I want to emphasize; we are not looking to cheat the system. We are not using dilution products to pass. We don't want any bs about the safety of dui. We are making an informed life changing decision about our future together and we want to do it within the requirements of the dot and whatever company we decide to work for.

I just want to know the most current testing procedures used by companies so we can escape this really awful situation as fast as possible. We love to drive we want to see the country and we are currently looking to save enough money to buy a home in a place as far away from our current residence as we can get.

a really over worked under paid guy who just wants a way out.

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Jun 06, 2015
drug testing NEW
by: Anonymous

Has anyone had a hair follicle drug test with prime inc or are they strictly urine?

Jun 06, 2015
thanks for the replies NEW
by: the guy

Tha ks for the quick replies. I know companies use different methods. I'll try reseaeching. I know schnider is a huge advocate of hair tests. I was reading about a company that does mostly team otr catc or something like that. I heard they do training for teams who want to stick together through the whole training process which would be perfect since we don't want to be separated for any extended period of time. Does anyone know anything about companies that do this? Can you name a few for me so I can look into them? I a huge research buff if I have a few names I can figure out the rest on my own.
thanks a ton guys and gals. Any information is good information in my book.
the guy

Jun 05, 2015
If you do go back NEW
by: Anonymous

to smoking you will get caught if you do get your CDL.

goodluck there is no standard way of drug testing every company is different . but more and more are leaning to hair follicle. which means for you at least 6 months clean, i say if you can quit for that long you are most likely going to kick thehabit.

Jun 05, 2015
Drug testing by trucking companies
by: Hervy

Congratulations on you and your girl on getting clean and going for a goal. The shift that you made from smoking 24/7 is a big one.

If you want it bad enough, you can stick to it. I have talked to many a people who have successfully made the same decision about quitting.

Some trucking companies will test urine and others test hair. Best to find a company that you are interested in and find out about that company specifically.

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