What work is a driver allowed to do after failing a drug test? What is classified as safety sensitive work?


We had a CDL driver fail his drug test. We removed him from driving vehicles over 26001 lbs. But all I can find for information is to "remove him from safety sensitive" work.

OK - so what is safety sensitive work, and what can he do? Can he drive vehicles over 10001 lbs but under 26001 lbs? Can he load and unload vehicles? Can he work the controls of a Bucket truck, for the bucket, not behind the wheel?


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Jul 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

Um... isn't is obvious? FIRE HIM.

If someone lacks the responsibility (willing to chance their CDL by taking drugs) to stay clean when working as a truck driver they don't deserve a CDL but not only that - they are simply a risk.

You may take the worker out of a safety sensitive function and legally be able to keep them working - but why not find someone who would take the job more serious.

Jul 28, 2011
drug est
by: TruckerYitz

any job requiring drug test issafty sensitive, does a bbucket require a drug tet/? gt it? loading unloading does not require drug test. unless the company requires it.

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