What would happen if I leave contracted company while owing them a little bit of money

by Brian
(New York)

Don't leave a company owing them money....

Don't leave a company owing them money....

I am contracted with a company & recently paid a leased truck off. They have informed me that they are holding the title until 3,000.00 is paid off from a previous maintenance account.

As soon as the lease was paid off they stopped providing me with miles required to make a living. Most weeks I am in the Negative.

I am looking into another company and want to go to work for them as soon as possible but still Owe the company I am contracted with. With this other company I would be able to pay back what I owe in as little as 2 weeks but if I stay with the company I owe it will take 4 months.

If I left and went with another company would the current company be able to report the truck stolen since they have not yet provided me with the title to the truck?

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Jan 24, 2023
Don't Leave With a Bill
by: The Crazy Trucker

It should be pretty easy to get a loan of $3000 so you can just pay them. Then pay the load back in 2 weeks.

It could get a little messy just leaving and owing them money.

Think about it, if you were running making money and then after ending the lease you all of a sudden didn't run enough to pay them back.

That doesn't sound right. If this is true and accurate and nothing is left out of the story, it's no telling what issue they make out of the $3,000.

Seems like they night be trying to make you walk away.

You probably need to read that contract real good bro.

Like I said, the best thing would be to borrow and pay them. Get the title and make sure you leave in the manner that doesn't break the terms of your contract.

So you have a clean break and can move on without the stress and drama.

Best of luck!

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