What would you do in a situation like this?

by Tami
(Upland, California. US)

Has something like this happened to you?

The driver, Bob (my dear friend) has been trying to reach the owner after attempting to deliver his 40,000 lb load of flour/wheat and being denied.

Got hold of owners brother found out ...boss is out hunting. Was able to get the number to wife of owner, still no return call (24 hrs now) Low on fuel, no credit on card, no other emergency contacts and stranded at a flying j truck stop. Fortunate for the owner, Bob treats others the way he would want to be treated.

Didn't run the tractor dry and hasn't walked away from it. This trailer many issues, worn tires, leaks in brake cams, wiper blade issues, improper lighting, inaccurate odometer, no heater. there is a longer list.

Bob has had to do repairs in this thing himself. Also hasn't been paid like promised. Bob is new to the trucking industry, has had his hands full, having to constantly adjust driving due to the way it shimmies and shakes all the while getting from A to B etc.

He is in the midst of this as I write... Any advice?

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and for any input.


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Feb 09, 2017
My advice
by: Hervy

Find a new employer as soon as possible.

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