Whats a better way to get my CDL, going through England or The Roadmasters school?

by W

To get my Class A CDL should I go with CR England, which I have heard a ton of BAD feedback about, but pays for the training or go through Roadmasters and be able to have a choice of companies to work for?

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Sep 05, 2011
by: NickV

There are other companies that you can get into without having to sell your soul. Make sure your background is clear of everything before you start any of this.

Roadmasters will take you on, charge you, and then you cant get a job when you get out if you have a messed up background.

Anyway DO NOT go to england. They have stunk up the industry and I dont know how they are still afloat. They will give you the training, give you the truck and then starve you out of it.

Look into USA Trucks which will put you through school and I dont think they make you sign a lease purchase. Also there is CRST which was my starter job. They will take you through training with no lease but have to sign a 8 month contract.

Do your homework but for your best sake dont go to england. Oh Swift, swift does school. And although you hear all the bs about swift its starting to finally calm down and they are training their drivers a lot better.

There are plenty of choices so take your time, this is definitely a decision you don't want to go rushing into. Good Luck and let us know what happens and about your new journey.

If you have anymore questions along the way just post em, most of us have been through about every situation possible.

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