whats the best thing about being a truck driver? how can one like me join the ranks of these hard working Americans?

by rick collins
(merritt north carolina)

My reason to become a truck driver is to do something that's worthwhile something I can be proud to do.

See I recently lost my job and since that time its has been difficult to find work. to me its heartbreaking and sad, so I decide that I wanted to be a truck driver so that I can create a stable life for me and to help out my family.

I'm 27 going on 28,. I know I need my respectable driving license from my state (NC) but does it really matter how long you been behind the wheel of a car?

And another thing which is better; truck driving school done by a local community college or a company based training school?

Please try to explain that one to me.

I just wanted to stay thank you for your time and your services

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Jan 24, 2013
How to choose a trucking school and become a trucker NEW
by: Hervy

The best the about becoming a trucker is the fact that you travel the country and get paid and that no one is hoovering over your shoulders.

Now but of those come with further details and caveats.

It is a job and you are working. You are not goofing off, partying, or even intimately sightseeing in every town.

No one is over yours shoulders but they do expect you to be responsible and perform well. They expect you to follow protocol or best practices in order to get the job done.

You can find out if you are compatible for the lifestyle and find out what to do next in order to become a trucker on this page...
learn about becoming a trucker

How to choose an option for getting your CDL is linked from that page but if you want to go there now go here...options for getting your CDL". On the right column you will see a summary about which option is best.

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