what's the best way to keep good log'd??

by trevor

can you bob tail and dont have to log it ( line 2 driving)if your not under a load can you drive under 100 miles and not log it??

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Apr 03, 2010
Personal conveyence.
by: Jimmy

Yes you can. (line 2 is sleeper). It is sometimes considered a grey area and your company must OK it. For instance, you empty out Hoboken and are bobtailing home for home time, which is 80 miles away. You would go off duty in Hoboken and note in the remarks section "personal conveyence" to house. You must be going off duty when you get home. When coming back to Hoboken, you will be line 3 (driving) when leaving the house. Do not abuse it either. You could also pull an empty trailer. Jimmy

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