whats with this doctor shopping ?

by tony montana
(new york,new york)

I don't get it with this doctor shopping deal ? For the cdl annual physical if I drive from state to state and my medical is due I'm going to find me a very driver friendly doctor to do my medical so why is the goverment talking about doctor shopping ? That doesn't make any sense to me.

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Dec 24, 2015
Are you...
by: Anonymous

...filling prescriptions?

Controlled substances or something borderline?

If these different doctors ARE NOT prescribing anything it doesnt effing matter how many you see and how often or where you see them...

The ONLY time it gets sketchy is when they are prescribing, and you MAY VERY WELL HAVE A VALID SCRIPT, but you are seeing many different doctors in different States and getting an arsenal of prescription medications

I'm NOT saying that you are doing this, but there are pLENTY of drivers who do this.

They may have valid reasons for this... like maybe they are out 30 days from their home state and they need to refill a controlled substance. The out of State doc can do it once or twice, but there are records kept

Some doctors will give a driver a two month refill depending on what the substance is, and his past history with that doctor... and all of the HIPPA and "not likely to cause incidents" blah blah blah...

Trust me when I say: Most every driver out there is on SOMETHING! It may be Insulin for type one Diabetes, which is just plain stupid to be able to travel Interstate taking those kinds of chances with fatigue and Diabetic shock, or just an honest mistake shooting the wrong insulin..

You have drivers on Anti-depressants that may run out of dope a LONG WAY from home...

Sleeping medications. ALl drivers have their internal clocks screwed up sooner or later and may need help sleeping, which is why many, many drivers grab a few beers before hitting the hay

It could be anything...

back to my point:

The only reason I could see this becoming an issue is because you have been "flagged" (correctly or incorrectly) for doc shopping so that you can pick up meds.

If I am wrong, then they are wrong and they need to be told. Your personal GP can take care of this immediately!

One phone call is all it takes.

Good luck...keep the sunny side up

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