when adjusting rear tandoms,how much weight does each pin hole represent?

by Stanley
(Winter Haven,fl.us)

On a semi-trailer needing to know when adjusting rear tandems,how much weight does each pin hole represent?

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Aug 10, 2010
by: NickV

When I have a load that weighs anything over 27,500 CRST has a mandatory weigh rule. Usually if I look at my bills and it is over and I have had to slide back for the shipper I will pop em up to hole 5. I found its a really good starting point for me, maybe not others but it works good for me. From there I use 250lb for each whole. If your weights are off by alot and wont matter if you really push it forward or back far then go two or three. Heck after your first weigh its only a buck from that point on. Yeah its a pain but this wont happen too terribly often. You just have to get a feel for what your trailer will do and sometimes on a sealed load you really have no idea where that load is distributed so this may take you 3 or 4 times. Worst comes to worst fire up the cb and ask another driver or ask someone in the fuel island. Most of the drivers out there will help you out. I had one guy I asked and he actually took the time to open his atlas and show me weight requirements for each state I was going through and showed me the weight rating on my tires to explain that you can actually have up to 12,500 on your steers in some instances. Heck sometimes when you actually ask questions you learn alot more than what you asked in the first place. And I will say this, you find a driver that says he knows it all then you can pretty much take that guy for a total liar cause you learn something new everyday out on the road until the day you come off it. Hope this helps and make sure you keep them weights legal

Jul 26, 2010
Gotta Get Legal....
by: Jimmy

A good rule of thumb is 350 lbs per hole. As Hervy said, depends on the trailer manufacturer. Some manufacturers have the holes pretty close, which means less weight per hole. Jimmy

Jul 26, 2010
Adjusting tandems
by: Hervy

Usually between 250 and 500lbs of weight shifted for each hole. It depends on the trailer manufacturer.

If you can't find out for the specific trailer count each one as about 350lbs when you slide and that should put you pretty close to where you need to be either way.

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