when can i drive again

okay if you want to load down the page or site with a ton of graphics and stuff it gets very slow even on a good computer.

what i want to know is when i can drive again.

i have a current DOT card and a current Class A CDL in good standing. i drove for swift and drove the national circuit 6 times including one refer run in the middle of winter in Indiana.

they told me i had to wait 3 years, so on 02/07/12 i can, according to our wonderful DOT and Insurance Crooks, can legally begin my career again, and this time with a decent company! hopefully.


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Nov 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

DOT card is department of transportation card it is a health card that all drivers are required to carry when they stop you they ask you for it.

as said, I was terminated in Denver Colorado at the Swift terminal just after they took me off of probationary period for new drivers. i said quite specifically what the problem is.

the problem is two minor preventables that did not go on my MVD / DMV report and did go on my DAC report which is apparently an entirely different record only fro truckers. when i came back home noone would hire me everyone telling me that 2 preventable accidents (UNDERSTAND, THEY WERE NOT ACCIDENTS REALLY BUT MINOR / SMALL BUMPS; NOTHING ON MVD/DMV, NOONE HURT, AND NO INSURANCE PAY OUT) means i could not drive.

my drive date, that is the date when i can check "0" / zero in the box for preventable accidents in the past 3 years is 02/07/12 three months and 3 days from today. i want to get on the road again rolling and making money asap.
what i'm trying to do is get with a company that has their own training program now so when the date comes i can be ready and rolling.

i did 6 months with Swift. i drove 10 speed FReightliners and 8 speed Volvos. i did one refer run in Indiana in the middle of winter and i did one Detroit to Chicago run also in the middle of winter (check speed was the key to ice and snow driving). so i do have experience and most importantly i can do the job.

so, again, 2 minor preventables is the problem, and the time it takes for these to "go away" which i have been told is 3 years. also that Swift Fleet Manager outright lied to me when we could have worked something out. and to me as a driver what matters most is i learned from my mistakes.

just was wondering what everyone else's experiences are and how we can all help each other.

Nov 02, 2011
by: Anonymous

You have said alot of nothing. Why is it you cannot drive now?

Nov 02, 2011
by: Steve/Chrystalship

first of all did you have an accident and second what is this DOT card I never had one and ran road is this something new

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