when moutain driving is your gear supposed to match the road speed?

i went to cr england's school in texas so they didnt really show us mountain driving but wat i do is i match my gear with the road speed(8th gear rs-65). then before i go down i drop my speed by 5 miles and ride the jake..it works but im pretty sure its not the correct or safest way. please somebody help me...thanks

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Feb 24, 2010
Hope this helps.
by: sixtysguy

There is a lot to think about on the hills. How long is the hill what is the grade and what is your weight. If its a long steep grade and I am heavy, I would drop two or three gears and kick on the jakes. The idea is you want to slow down enough to let the jakes hold the speed of the truck down the hill. There is the old saying slow at the top alive below. Remember when going down to not jab the brakes, a light touch on the peddle so you dont over heat. Make sure you check the brake adjustment and you should be all right.

Feb 24, 2010
Hope this helps.
by: sixtysguy

There is a lot to think about on the hills. How long is the hill what is the grade and what is your weight. If its a long steep grade and I am heavy, I would drop two or three gears and kick on the jakes. The idea is you want to slow down enough to let the jakes hold the speed of the truck down the hill. There is the old saying slow at the top alive below. Remember when going down to not jab the brakes, a light touch on the peddle so you dont over heat. Make sure you check the brake adjustment and you should be all right.

Feb 14, 2010
mountain driving
by: Anonymous

when coming down if you are gaining speed you are not in a low enough gear.stab brake and shift down. jake brake should hold you fine.stay off the air brakes and let the jake and tranny hold it back. you can come down a mountain a million times to slow, only one time to fast.

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