when you park for the night can you have a beer before bed?

can a driver have a beer before turning in (at the truck stop...rest area...wherever you may be parked)

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Jan 22, 2024
Guns in truck NEW
by: Anonymous

Having a weapon in your truck is not federally illegal

May 12, 2018
Question NEW
by: Anonymous

So if the truckers wife goes with him in the truck can she buy beer at a truck stop and drink it while he is sleeping? She has no CDL

Oct 26, 2016
have a beer NEW
by: Anonymous

everytime I shut down the first thing I do is shower. after that I buy one 24oz beer go to my truck shut the curtains and enjoy a cold one with Netflix. don't get drunk but a least relax and try to forget about all the idiots I dealt with.

Apr 16, 2015
its legal NEW
by: supertrucker

I was in the state of virginia when I found the answer to this riddle....I called state authorities and asked. If you are on a 34 it's all good in the sleeper. Or if you are not under a load your good. Opinions mean nothing to me, I just ask the people who have tthe guns. Simple. Call the state and ask, that is their job, they are public servants

Mar 11, 2015
Buying beer at a truck stop NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't know, in Tennesee they ALWAYS catd you and they can can see you have a CDL but they still sell you the beer, so it must legal to buy it. If it was illegal I don't think they would sell it to you.

Mar 11, 2015
Buying beer at a truck stop NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't know, in Tennesee they ALWAYS catd you and they can can see you have a CDL but they still sell you the beer, so it must legal to buy it. If it was illegal I don't think they would sell it to you.

Apr 21, 2012
The truth NEW
by: Haweye

Ok. Lets get this so people can understand it. IF you are at a truck stop and are OFF DUTY, U CAN have a beer in your sleeper.
when u are Off Duty u are off duty. Whether someone hits you in parking lot or what ever. You do not have togo on duty to talk with authorities. Off Duty means just that. It is very clear in the statute.
If some one knocks on your door of your truck and u are Off Duty,DO NOT ANSWER THE DRIVERS DOOR . Roll down the window of the passenger door and speak through it.
THE LAW IS VERY CLEAR. I have yet to read any state or city local statue that says different.
Don't be a dummy make sure u have No alcohol in your truck when u go on duty and especially when u are driving. Unless of course it is on your manifest at wich point it would be sealed in your trialer.

Jan 25, 2010
by: Nick V

This is easy. Leave the alcohol at home. Use to drink everyday, couple beers after work or what not. Just been out for a month, yeah it crossed my mind but honestly its not worth it when you add it all up. Work when work needs to be done and play when its time to play

Jan 23, 2010
A tall cold one at bedtime.
by: Jimmy

No alcohol allowed in a CMV unless it is manifested. Now, we come to a grey area. Is it allowed for personal use and can it be consumed inside the sleeper area? You do not want to be caught with alcohol anywhere in the truck, period. (while driving). I use to, every so often, if I knew I was parked for the night and beer was available and I was in the mood, purchase a couple cans and drink them in the truck in a low key manner and then get rid of the emptys. But you need to consider things like dispatch calling you at 2 am to do a switch or, another truck hitting your truck in the lot and you having to get out and do paperwork. And keys in the ignition with engine running or not could spell trouble if a Cop wanted to hassle you. Jimmy

Jan 22, 2010
drinking while in a commercial vehicle
by: Hervy

Despite what you may hear drivers say in person or on CB and even though you may clearly hear a intoxicated driver on the CB from time to time even though he or she may be off duty alcohol in a commercial vehicle is illegal period.

Just like having a weapon is and people will argue you all day about it despite it being in black and white in the regulations.

In fact, if your at the truckstop in most places (if not all) it is illegal to buy the alcohol and drink it on premises even if it was not a commercial vehicle.

So you have to decide if you want to take that chance or not.

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