where can i find employment

by jimi
(fort worth tx)

i live in ft worth tx. i'm in a very good lane for most truck lanes.i have had my cdl for 2 years now.i am a self taught driver who started this career choice in the oil and gas field.i have driven a few different kinds of rigs;van,flatbed,mostly tanker.i have driven for Schneider as a teamer and as solo.i prefer solo.

while driving with them i have had two preventable accidents.one;the first one,i accept.i did get in way to much hurry trying to beat the new paperless log qualcom for my time in driving hours as well as my 14 hour day and back my trl into another driver on his pass side front fender.the next one i'm not so sure about;i got a high hook. i backed to the trl got out and looked got back into my cab and continued to back the kingpin somehow came out of the fithwheel plate and was now sitting in the middle of my platform.so their was no way for me to dump my airbags and i had to call maintenance. now then i had to report this as a preventable accident. i ended up terminating my employment with Schneider during the time i was suppose to be going through their safety training only because i has a vehicle situation and could no longer make it back and forth to my truck as i was then working for them on a local account. so now i find out that they now have me as non-rehireable and now i am having so much trouble getting hired on with another company. they all tell me to go get more experience with someone else and then come back to them. so with that all said where can i go get this
"more experience" that they want me to get? or how can i make this right?

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Feb 13, 2011
Where can a driver with a few incidents and label as non rehireable find a trucking job
by: Hervy

Unfortunately with these types of dings on your work history and DAC you have as they say in the south a rough row to hoe.

Of course you already knew that, ok, well man that is really a lot of stuff to deal with and all you can do is to keep trying.

Just don't place all your bets on trucking because you don't know how long it will take you to get on.

Maybe you might try to get hired at a dock also, that way you can get a chance to prove yourself at the company and show them that you deserve a chance to drive their truck.

Check with more advice and companies to try on the page for felons. The companies are more lenient

how to get experience

trucking jobs for felons

good luck let us know what happens.

Thanks, Hervy

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