Where do I live when not on duty?

I'm about to start a career in trucking. I'm 21 and currently live with my parents in PA. Once I start trucking (most likely with Prime inc., which is located in MO) can I reasonably expect to ever be back home in PA or is it better to move to where ever I'm stationed?

If so, s it better to get an apartment or just use motels and keep all of my possessions with me in the truck?

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Jul 08, 2013
Thanks! NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks Nick. You just saved me a few thousand dollars a year I can now save!

Jul 08, 2013
Congrats NEW
by: NickV

No need to get an apartment in some far away city. They will get you back by the house probably once a month or so. Really it's up to you and how long you want to stay out. I would say no less then a month out but after that the choice is yours. Of course the longer your out the more money you make. As far as their terminals being in different states you may cruise to one very seldom to pick up an empty or maybe a trailer someone had to drop so they could get home but other then that your really not at terminals that often so no need for the apartment. Good luck and congrats

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