which is an good company Epes,Arnold,orEstes?

by Devon
(Greensboro nc)

I have worked for Werner for a few months. Now its time for something better I was thing about Epes,Arnold,or Estes?

I don't know..hard decision.

Any feedback on either Epes Transport, Arnold Transportation, or Estes Express?


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Aug 08, 2011
Research the companies thoroughly
by: Vicki Simons

Hello, Devon,

You said that you've worked for Werner for "a few months" but you didn't say if this was your first professional truck driving job. If this is your first job, then Mike and I encourage you to stick with it for at least a year. Prove to the trucking industry that you are capable of making it through an entire winter driving season. Then, and only then, think of moving on.

Before you jump ship, do your due diligence. Research the companies thoroughly. What may be trash to one driver may be treasure to another.

Not long ago, we provided some advice to someone who was looking at potentially getting CDL training with a specific trucking company. Although your situation is different, some of the advice we gave about researching companies is good:

Also, do not believe the hype that you see in the trucking publications or that you may hear from trucking company recruiters. To cut through the fluff, ask specific questions such as these:

One thing that you may want to do is look at a company's turnover rate and find out why drivers have left or are leaving. The economy has been bad, meaning that some drivers have stuck it out with less than ideal conditions. However, recent news articles indicate that there is a growing shortage of drivers. You want to make sure that you don't just "fill a seat" but that the company you hire on with is a good match for you and vice versa.

Among the things that some drivers may not think about when preparing to make a move is what items a trucking company provides and prohibits in their trucks. APUs (auxiliary power units) are especially important to drivers who like to be comfortable and run electrical equipment in their trucks. At least one of the companies you're thinking about hiring on with did not provide actual APUs on their trucks as of October 2010.

We wish you success in your search for a job with a different trucking company. In the meantime, we wish you save travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

Best regards,
Vicki Simons


Aug 07, 2011
either one.
by: Devon

Either one would be fine.


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