Which is better Schneider or Heartland Express and why

by Ryan
(Billings, mt,.usa)

I am school which company is better in your opinion. Heartland express or Schneider?

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Jun 10, 2016
Schneider National Bulk Carriers NEW
by: Anonymous

I pulled a tank for Schneider for almost a year, when my dbl, 'driver manager' quit and I got some young kid right out of school being a dbl, I quit after dealing with him for two months, tried to get a new one, but the others in office said, "It"ll get better, just give him time." Meanwhile I was getting 1 load a week and sitting in either Coraoplis, Pa or Gary, In, or even Houston for 4-5 days. I quit and he couldn't figure out why I was leaving. 15 years otr experience and I wasn't making any money, put in for layover and not get it, I actually had a $0.00 check once for not getting a load and being stuck in PA for the week, I never advance any money from my checks either. I would call 3-4 times a day for a load, not waiting on their 'workflow' system. Did good loads with them until dbl quit, went from $1200-$1500/week as company driver to $200-$400/week. Most I made was $2660 but everything fell into place and I had a California run on that week. I stayed on the road for a month sometimes two. Driver # was 338047 if you want verification.

Mar 07, 2016
Schneider NEW
by: Anonymous

Been with Schneider for 3 years now.
They treat their drivers with respect. They will get you home when it is time to get home. Best driver training in the business.
Lots and lots of freight to move.
They also have many many operating centers throughout the country, food free showers and free laundry. Those centers are handy if the truck needs work which they generally don't, most trucks are less then three years old.

I can tell you they have been very very good to me as a driver.

When I started pay was 27 a mile guaranteed to 34 a mile after a year.
After that pay raises are based on performance and they are easily make able. If you work.

They WILL never ask you to do anything illegal like drive over hours of service. Safety safety safety and more safety is what they love most.

Plus if you show you are a good driver they have the best owner operator system in the business.

Many owner operators clear over 1700 a week every week they run. I currently am an owner operator and I love it, pick your freight be your own company.

Tell them driver #351450 sent you.

One more thing you can do is Google those companies complaints from drivers. I bet you dont hear or see many about Schneider. I have heard some about heartland actually one was posted on this sight. Called them heartless express.

Good luck thing to remember truck driving is the same everywhere what MATTERS MOST is who you are pulling for. Right now you have to make that most important decision which company to go to. Also remember trucking companies will lie to get you to sign on. Schneider has never lied to me like a few others have.


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