which is harder in your opinion?

so i was told by a school admission officer that the 14' trailer i haul on the back of our 17' van is actually harder to drive than a 50' trailer. im kinda skeptical about this having never driven a 50' trailer. whats your opinion?

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Nov 27, 2016
it's the backing that's tricky NEW
by: thisolegirl

length isn't much issue in pulling a trailer. The difference comes in backing it up. The shorter the trailer the less work on the steering wheel. Most oversteer.

Jun 05, 2015
Not important which is easier
by: Hervy

My opinion is that it is a waste of time debating. Don't worry about it. Thing is, if you have driven it and backed up with it, you already are familiar with the fundamentals.

The rest is just adjusting for the length and size difference.

Anyway easier or harder is for the person who has used each to decide after the fact and it is only true and accurate assessment for that person.

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