
by Whitney
(rome, ga usa)

I am a wife and mother of three beautiful children. My husband has been a driver for 2 1/2 years. he loves his job, but it is hard on us.

We have a 9 year old son that has learning problems and anger problems. When his dad is gone for a long time he shows off. Our daughters handles it a little better than he does.

Most of the time its like I am a single mother. I never new it would be this hard. It has been getting a bit easier on us, but will it ever become normal?

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Apr 24, 2013
Will it get better
by: Hervy

Whitney, the one thing that I can say is to make sure you communicate with him the difficulties that you experience when he is gone.

From there you might brainstorm together on things that you can do to deal with those issues.

What steps, activities, rituals can be done when is IS home and what things can be done or services can be utilized while he is gone.

The city, county, Goodwill, or professional counselors might be able to offer services or give solutions based on psychology and past experience of how to make things better.

Also, sounds like you guys should be planning on him finding a trucking job which allows him to get home more often. With 2.5 years experience he may very well find a trucking company that brings him back home every weekend.

I find that many women keep all of the stress and issues to themselves and the driver doesn't know the magnitude of the problems at home.

Many of the drivers would try to do what they could do to make matters better if they knew.

Keep your head up and you guys make plans for the future so that you are working toward a specific goal and that in itself will help the journey become a little bit easier to deal with.

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