who pays for Diesel fuel

by Thomas
(Sheldon, Iowa, USA)

Who pays for the diesel, you or the company?

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Apr 19, 2009
Thomas wants to know.
by: Jimmy

Companies pay for the fuel if you are a company driver. However, you need to conserve fuel as much as possible. I'm seeing drivers getting fired for wasting fuel. Fuel can make or break an operation. Price of fuel is a big factor. Companies spend a lot of time researching and negotiating fuel prices with oil companies.

You will hear about .2 of a mile being a big deal. And it is a big deal when you run 10,000 trucks. Even 500 trucks. The drivers habits really play into profit and loss for the company. Now a days, all the companies are cutting their trucks back to 58,60, 62mph. That's to save fuel.

So if you become a company driver, careful on the fuel usage. If you become an O/O, you will understand what I'm saying, since YOU will be paying for the fuel. Words of wisdom from Jimmy.

Apr 19, 2009
Everyone Pays
by: Anonymous

We all pay for diesel fuel figured into the cost of shipping. One way or the other!

Apr 19, 2009
Diesel fuel costs
by: Hervy

Don't worry Thomas, the company pays for diesel fuel unless you're planning on buying a truck.

If you buy a truck then you will have to pay for diesel fuel.

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