who pays for meals while on the road?

by David

Ok so. You are trucking a lot of days out of the week on the road. who pays for all the food and meals you eat. Do you have to pay out of your own pocket or does the company you work for give you a credit card for gas, food, snacks and drinks. All that stuff can add up in no time.

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Feb 21, 2011
Needs grub.....
by: Jimmy

Yes, you're right, it does add up and YOU the driver pays for it. One of the downsides in this biz. So you shop BEFORE you hit the road and stock up on grub. Some trucks have fridges (small) to keep things cool. You'll see a lot of guys eating bologna sandwiches to cut down on expenses. I always budgeted $15 a day for meals. Most of the time I stayed under that. Jimmy

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