Who Pays For Truck Stop Rooms

by Mike
(New Jersey)

Does the company pay for a room at a truck stop and do you get a meal allowance?

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Nov 04, 2013
Lodging and Meals NEW
by: Hervy

Most truck stops don't have rooms anymore. However, many of them are near hotels.

Most companies don't pay for lodging. However, some do. It depends on the company you go to. My company paid for hotels after the 2nd day you were out on a trip. We specialized in furniture and always came back in after getting empty from doing multiple stops. So you see that was not a regular trucking job.

Most trucking companies don't pay for meals. Some pay a per diem which would cover meals.

In summary, those are questions that you have to ask the specific trucking company that you are considering for employment.

Happy hunting for the trucking job that suits you!

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