Who will hire me after 3 years of non-working?

I drove trucks for 13 yrs but now I've not driven a truck in 3 yrs. and finding it hard to get hired.

I was out of work due to injury I received when I was rear ended by another driver. Is there any company that will hire me?

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Aug 31, 2012
job after not driving for last 7 years
by: Anonymous

I can get you in a job that does hire drivers that have not driven in the last 7 years they are a good company based here in the midwest.

Have Newer kenworth trucks all trucks have a 13 speed tranny and a apu. ALL air ride trailers I get good milage.

Also if you want to lease a truck you can do that also. call me at 559-202-9751 or e-mail me at cornchip61@yahoo.com I can get you in touch with a recuiter. My name is Stephen

Aug 31, 2012
Been gone too long
by: Alias

I also have been off the road for two years , and have ran into the same road block . I was told today if your previous company can't hire you , find a big company who is self insured , and they'll snap you up .

Little Richie ? That part about the thrift stores and such was truly inspirational . Perhaps a little difficult to get to with a truck , but hey, drivers have had to improvise since the beginning of frieght haul .

May GOD keep us all safe out there.....

Jul 12, 2012
midwest trucking jobs
by: stephen

yes you can what state do you live in if you live in the midwest I can get you a job making .40 a mile and a fairly new kenworth with a 13 speed tranny and a apu call me at 559-202-9751 my name is Stephen

May 01, 2012
My hubby did it, you can too!
by: Anonymous

My husband was in the same boat, 3 yrs off the road and no one would hire him because of not having recent driving experience.

He had to start with CR England and do a re certification class, and go out with a trainer. The whole newbie works then he was able to get his own truck and finally he is back in the trucking business!

He swears up and down he is never going to go back to anything else. I can't tell you how many times he got rejected over the past 3 years.

Thank God he found this class! There are jobs out there, but they will probably want you to get re certified as well since laws have changed. Good luck!

Apr 26, 2012
You'll Find Work
by: Little Richie

I am sure you remember how you took your first steps and riding a bike you dont forget those things. Make sure your health is ok. you will be more careful after not driving for 3 yrs. and you wont take any chances.

Throw enough apps and interviews against the wall, somebody will hire you w/ 13 yrs under your belt.It will be fun when you go for a road test and see how much you missed it, you'll love it, and wont forget a thing on your pre trip or post trip...

God luck & take a lot of pens with you cause i get turned down too. I am 66 in better shape than 25 yr olds.

your wisdom and experience will get you to work shortly. The thing is now they pay what my Grandmother used to earn.

Take every advantage u can , thrift stores, dollar stores, starve these corporations out so you can live like an 1955 american... Enjoy the ride on interviews they all go to the same school dumb& dumber you got 13 yrs and dont forget it...

Richie ps i wouldnt be afraid to be on the road with you :)

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