whst trucking companies allow passengers or riders

by Suzy

please let me know what trucking companies allow a wife to ride along. I have not been able so far to find a truck company that allows a passenger yet I have read there are companies that allow passengers.

Please give a few names of companies that allow passengers. my husband and i would appreciate any suggestions

thank you

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Mar 30, 2018
Looking for a kid friendly company for a 7 and 8 year old. NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm a single mom of 2, looking for a trucking company that will one school me through their company, and 2 allow me to take my 2 children with me. Any ideas or info. Would be helpful.

Apr 09, 2015
Most all major companies do. NEW
by: Anonymous

If they don't then something is wrong with that company.Most companies will let anyone of age ride in some cases small children.it is called a riders pass.basically just Extra insurance to cover your passenger.Can be done by fax.There is in most cases a small fee.just about all companies have this.Like i said if they don't then maybe you should stay away from that one.Martin transport,Wel companies,K&B,covenant,JB hunt,swift,Schneider,USA trucking,PAM trucking list goes on and on.just named a few.When you contact a company just ask if the have a riders pass.Good luck.

Apr 09, 2015
My company does! NEW
by: Anonymous

Give me a call- 855-876-0106
I'm a Recruiter here!

Apr 08, 2015
call or website NEW
by: Anonymous

Celadon Trucking does. Give them a call or go to www.driveceladon.com

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