Why am i not supposed to turn on red while testing for my CDL Class A license?

I was told by my instructor to never turn on red when we go to test for our license. I won't do it but I just want to know why exactly we're not supposed to.

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Jan 24, 2014
Right hand turns NEW
by: M Watson

It is a safety issue. Trucks need to hug the left side of turn lane to avoid dragging the tandem trailer axles across the curb. In most cases four wheelers and motorcycle drivers do not know that trucks need this extra space to turn and they will try their best to get between you and the curb. You have a blind spot on the right side of the truck and if this the scenario then you could cause a right turn collision. Its is safer for you and the general public to wait and make the turn while the light is green and traffic is flowing. Good luck and safe travels.

Jan 20, 2014
If it's legal, why not ? NEW
by: Jimmy

A truck is a motor vehicle. When allowed, motor vehicles are allowed to turn on red lights. (usually signed)

Of course, while doing so in a truck, you must consider getting the turn completed safely. I would be concerned explaining to the tester WHY I'm sitting there NOT turning when I'm entitled to do so. Also a COP can cite you for impeding traffic flow.

You have to remember, you need to show the DMV examiner you know the laws as well as you know how to handle the truck. Jimmy

Jan 19, 2014
its not illegal but NEW
by: Anonymous

To be safe you ave to remember a truck from a dead stop takes at least 18 seconds to make a turn and get speed.

Jan 19, 2014
Recent Female Graduate NEW
by: Marie

My guess would be to better protect yourself if an accident occurred. If an accident happened when you turned on red then there is a high chance you would be at fault. Think if it as workplace policy, as long as you follow it you are protected.

My instructor told me to never turn on a red light or blinking red light even after you have your CDL. I never questioned it I figure that if it protects my license I will comply and have one less worry on the road.

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